NABU revealed a corruption scheme of embezzlement of 14,5 million hryvnias in the “backpacks”. Infographics

The Director of the National anti-corruption Bureau Sytnyk during the hearings in the parliamentary Committee on preventing and combating corruption, assured that detectives have collected enough evidence on the so-called “business backpack“, which included the son of interior Minister Alexander Avakov and former Deputy interior Minister Sergei Chebotar.
Sytnik said that one of the proofs there is a video with a hidden camera from the office Chebotar, where he agrees with Avakov Jr. about the scheme of purchasing backpacks for the interior Ministry. This video is available on YouTube.
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“In recent days, public attention was riveted on the events related to the investigation of the so-called “backpacks”. The actions of the NEB has been criticized, made accusations on the illegality of the evidence. So I want to tell you that the video that was made public and was referred to the NAB for investigation is appropriate and admissible evidence in this case. But this is not the only proof,” – said Sytnik.
Corruption scheme for the purchase of backpacks for MIA is. According to investigators, in the fall of 2014 Avakov Jr., using his personal relationships with the then Deputy Minister of internal Affairs of the Chebotarev, organized the purchase of backpacks for the needs of National guard soldiers. This despite the fact that in the warehouses of the Ministry of interior has already been two thousand of unused backpacks.
Avakov Jr. agreed to the production of backpacks with the entrepreneur Vladimir Litvin from Kharkiv, which, in turn, found an LLC with signs of fictitiousness to participate in the negotiation procedure of procurement of the Ministry of interior. Thanks to the connections of the son of the Minister, the company received a contract to supply five thousand backpacks for the price of 2899 UAH each.
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The contract came with a list of requirements to backpacks in terms of size, fabric, pockets, valves, orthopedic properties and the like. LTD, which received a contract in fact existed only for the exchange of documents. In fact, the backpacks are sewn artisanal a few private entrepreneurs and enterprises of the penitentiary system, noted in NABOO.
In March-may 2015 Litvin actually put in the interior Ministry five thousand backpacks, which documents allegedly received from company. MIA took backpacks and paid OOO almost 14,5 million UAH, which later through a series of fictitious enterprises were converted to cash. As a result, the interior Ministry was late received poor products that do not meet the requirements set by the Ministry, while spending 14.5 million UAH of budgetary funds.
Recall that all three of the defendants the court released under the personal obligation.
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