“Paradise” offshore. The world opened up a new scandal with the money of politicians and stars, among them Ukrainians

This is stated in the new large-scale journalistic investigation Paradise Papers (“Files with Paradise Islands”), released simultaneously around the world. The media was in the hands of these offshore companies, which helps its clients to minimize taxes. We are talking about millions of documents, among which is mentioned by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

New tax secrets of the richest people in the world is 13 and a half million documents, is spoken in the plot of TSN.Sores. Company documents Appleby, which helps clients to open an offshore company, investigated four hundred journalists from 67 countries.

Ukrainian trace in the tax mystery is a mysterious company associated with a top Manager of Naftogaz Sergey Alekseenko. Through the firm on the Isle of man he could withdraw from Ukraine’s currency. There’s also wanted to create a company and lawyers Petro Poroshenko, in 2014. But this did not work – offshore company refused to deal with the Ukrainian President.

In the centre of a new investigation – the names of the most influential businessmen and politicians in the world. In particular, the President of the USA of Donald trump. For example, the Minister of Commerce, has proven to have business relations with Russian partners from the “black” sanctions list. Wilbur Ross is associated with a firm that receives millions of dollars of income for the transportation of Russian oil and gas. We are talking about the company “SIBUR”, the shareholders of which were the probable son-in-law of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kirill Shamalov, and Gennady Timchenko, against which Washington imposed personal sanctions. The reporters are waiting for the Minister’s explanation.

Offshore is not the British Queen. Elizabeth II invested in offshore about $ 13 million of its own funds. This is evidenced by the documents of the Duchy of Lancaster, which is the monarch’s condition in more than half a billion. However, the law did not violate the Queen and the Duchy claim that she hardly knew where to invest her millions, which the Queen entrusted financial funds.

In the “Paradise” referred to and star shapes, literally and figuratively. Offshore spotted American General Wesley Clark, who previously was the head of NATO forces in Europe, as well as singers Madonna and Bono.

Konstantin Korobov

  • Poroshenko
  • offshore
  • Alekseenko
  • Paradise Papers
  • Appleby
  • Paradise documents

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