The latest observation system equipped with monuments in the capital

The monuments are guarded around the clock. After several cases of desecration of memorials to the Metropolitan government will monitor them 24 hours a day. In particular, for those who suffered from vandals. We are talking about the eternal glory monument, a monument to Shchors and Vladimir the Great. Only the Eternal fire for the month of twice poured concrete, according to a story TSN.16.45.
In the cold and rain, the police security guards the Eternal flame at the square of Fame. On the other day to replace the cold-blooded people come camera. Technical Director of the municipal enterprise takes the work of editors.
On lampposts located simple cameras, which monitor the General situation. If necessary, the operator uses a more powerful camera, which is located at the top of the memorial to Holodomor victims.
“Infrared rays allow to detect the distance up to 200 meters, we will be able to see even the face of the one who comes” – say in the surveillance center.
Videosjessica city Council took under videodozor several monuments to avoid acts of vandalism
TSN. 16:45
November 27, 17:24
In the city of Kiev, they say, under heavy security video taking monuments that cause the most political emotions. On a large monitor “Kyiv smart city” is fixed almost everything. On the largest squares of the city installed cameras that proposals image 36 times.
Already working and recognition system of cars with the license plates – a tool for law enforcement. Traffic tracking – assistance to housing and communal services.
“Until the end of the year will have a camera transport system which can analyze the traffic and depending on it to toggle the light” – say in the center.
Now the capital has over 4 million cameras in the centre, on bridges and major interchanges. Until the end of the year will have six thousand. At city hall believe it will make the capital safer and more comfortable.
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