A new record. One bitcoin is worth 300 thousand hryvnia

On the morning of November 29 during the auction one bitcoin rose to $ 10825, it’s almost 300 thousand hryvnias. Then the cost dropped to $ 10124.
Such data are cited by Coindesk.
Cryptocurrency is expensive at breakneck speed. Within a month, the bitcoin has risen in price twice, despite the fact that in the beginning of the year cost is generally ten times less than around a thousand dollars. This is stated in the plot of TSN.Ranok. 2 November price was 7 thousand dollars, 17 Nov – for 8 thousand dollars, 26 November – has exceeded 9 thousand dollars, and now it’s almost 11 thousand dollars.
Predictions about the future of this virtual currency are different. Some experts predict further growth. Others see such a dramatic rise the danger of another bubble that could burst at any moment.
Videoselena virtuality. The rate of bitcoin for the first time exceeded ten thousand dollars
TSN. Wounds
29 Nov, 09:26
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