In the US a few alligators frozen into the ice due to the abnormally cold weather

In the national Park Shallotte River Swamp Park in North Carolina (USA – ed) some alligators frozen into the ice due to the abnormally cold weather.
This is stated in Facebook reserve.
Alligators in Ice!
Survival machines! The American Alligator in ice. #northcarolinaaquarium #newhanovercountyschools #brunswickcountyschools #alligators #oib #oibswamppark #visitnc #visitmyrtlebeach #winter2018 #wilmingtonnc #natgeo Brunswick County, North Carolina
Posted Shallotte River Swamp Park 5 January 2018 R.
The reptile went into hibernation, sticking the nose out to breathe. Animals by lowering body temperature and slow metabolism.
Video settings North Carolina removed as crocodiles survive in sub-zero temperatures
On the frozen lake they pierce the ice face, making only his nose and grab a little air. Locals say now, nothing to help the reptiles can’t. So they have to survive, right up until it gets warmer.
TSN. 19:30
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