Santa Claus gave: after the New year, Ukrainian officials rushed to declare a new property and cars

Journalists began carefully to read the electronic declarationsthat are filled with Ukrainian mid-level officials after January 1, 2018. Among acquisitions over the past year, provided cars, apartments and cash gifts, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The chief doctor of Kharkiv clinic Elena Shapovalova bought Toyota’s latest model for 700 thousand hryvnia, although the annual salary of the official is only 101 thousand hryvnia. Head of Department of Prosecutor’s office of Kiev Vadim Orlov changed his old Nissan on a Honda Civic for more than 600 thousand hryvnia, although his annual salary is three times less than the cost of a new car.
Videoquality and gifts of money: officials updated the details of their e-returns
Immediately after the Christmas midnight Ukrainian mid-level officials rushed to the site of electronic declarations. Urgently to inform on significant changes in financial position required by law. For officials you can enjoy. Among the acquisitions of the apartment, new car, cash gifts.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:08
New Ford Kuga for 800 thousand hryvnias came from one of the leaders of the military unit in Kiev, Sergei Moroz. Finally a dream has come true-the head of the personnel Department of the Pechersk court Valentina Donchenko she was able to change your Mercedes 2001 car of the same brand of 2013. In social networks, she wrote that she got a Mercedes, and in comments said that he bought the car for the remainder from the sale of other property. “I have stayed with apartment sales of 925 thousand. Are there any more questions?”, she said.
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In Ukraine launched the next stage of e-Declaration
An employee of the Ministry of culture Yulia Yurchenko in the new year I got an apartment almost a million hryvnia. In a year she earns ten times less, and the annual income of her husband-a COP less than 15 times. “Santa Claus brought,” she commented the origin of the funds for this purchase. In the unfinished decided to invest an official of the State fiscal service Andriy Ocheret, who claims that the save on per diem. “I don’t go to restaurants, I have an old phone, no car, etc. have Been in foreign business trips, why postponed”, – he explained.
The TSN correspondent Olga Vasilevskaya
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