Of the capital’s pharmacies disappeared measles vaccine

The hype on vaccinations was the reason that the capital’s pharmacies ran out of vaccine for measles. None of the lower reporters could not find the drug, according to a story TSN.19:30.
No drugs in private clinics, and sign up to them for the vaccination not earlier than a week – due to the tight schedule. In public clinics the vaccine is, but there, too, are in the queue.
Videotitle Kiev snatched up all the vaccine for measles and created a stir to the vaccine
None of the drugstores of Kiev of TSN failed to find vaccine. To sign up for the vaccination against measles can be no earlier than the week of the tight schedule. In public clinics the vaccine is, there be in the queue. Physicians are reminded about the schedule of vaccination against measles.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:07
With the beginning of the year in Kiev ill 74 people, including 57 children. The doctors once again remind parents about the schedule of vaccination of children against measles. “Kids are vaccinated per year in six years. If for some reason the vaccination was not carried out, the children after seven years vaccinated twice with an interval of a month,” says paramedic infectious diseases ward in oleksandrivska clinical hospital Tatiana Giduljanov.
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