Because of the “nedoreformy” companies “Naftogaz” for two years brought more than 110 billion hryvnia

Due to schemes prescribed in the law “On natural gas market”, with state enterprises brought more than 110 billion UAH. The money could go for activities on thermal modernization and energy efficiency of the residential sector. “Naftogaz of Ukraine” and its subsidiary company “Ukrgazdobycha” has addressed to the government concerning compensation of costs associated with performance of duties.
“Nedoreformy create a window of opportunity for withdrawal of money from state enterprises. In our case, we are talking about more than 110 billion over the two years of the existence of “temporary special duties.” We have delivered on preferential terms to more than 40 billion cubic meters of gas, and 20% of this volume with us had not paid off. It nedonoshennye in production funds, forgone government dividends, underfunded programs for energy efficiency. This is one reason why no private company is still not willing to enter this market and compete for consumers ‘money”, – stated in the “Naftogaz”.
The company explained how the circuit works withdrawal:
“In the scheme there are private mediators – regional gas companies and assbite that due to creative privatization of Yanukovych in the majority of offshore company controlled by Firtash and other regionals. They get we have an arbitrary amount of gas at below market price, do not bear currency risks, don’t have to plan ahead and create reserves in the subways. Part of the gas is recorded on dead souls, it is impossible to verify, because we see allegedly consumed volume of only one line: “population”.
Another scheme is when the company allegedly buy gas for production of heat for delivery to the population, and in fact use it to produce electricity for commercial consumers.
See also:
The government reacted to the statement of “Naftogaz” plans to buy gas in Russia
“We know that not all of the gas that certain government contractors receive from “Naftogaz” on preferential terms, is to ensure that the needs of the population. In particular, after the change of leadership of OJSC “Kirovogradgas” failed to detect and transmit to law enforcement information about cases of accrual of certain volumes of gas to non-existent subscribers in Kropyvnyts’ke. Last week, law enforcement authorities reported the disclosure of the fraud scheme in Lviv oblast in the amount of UAH 1.4 billion, when businesses close to high-ranking officials, were fired from a preferential gas electricity and sold it at a commercial price,” – noted in the “Naftogaz”.
A special debt of such counterparty before “Naftogaz” exceeds $ 2 billion. At the same time, enterprises, which buy gas at market price, without benefits, are calculated 100%.
“To preserve this structure. It must be replaced by market pricing and free competition for every consumer of gas, and the revenues from this market to be used for increasing production and energy modernization,” – noted in the “Naftogaz”.
Specialista want to extend for a further three years.
“According to the law “On the natural gas market”, which is deservedly proud of and in the government and in Parliament, it had to happen in April, but “temporary” scheme was extended for another year. Now she is going to extend for a further three years, with it to make it even easier and more profitable for Resellers, increasing losses of the state. Therefore, we demand a transparent system of evaluation of spacebattles in the previous two years and the recognition of how much it cost her existence. We have already received the court’s decision that the government must obey the law, and won the appeal. Solutions must be aligned with the responsibility for them”, – noted in the “Naftogaz”.
The most special performance of duties influenced the state of PJSC “Ukrgasdobycha”.
“According to our calculations, the total amount of compensation for the performance of special duties for the subsidiary for the period from 1 October 2015 to 31 December 2017 amounts to 74.8 billion UAH”, — said the head of “Ukrgasdobycha” Oleg Prokhorenko in his letter to the Cabinet.
According to the calculations of “Naftogaz”, due to the mismatch between government-mandated prices to economically reasonable expenses of the company including profit at 5% (the minimum level of profit set in relation to similar socially significant goods), the company sustained a loss during this period 12.1 billion UAH.
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