Losses due to fraudulent card transactions amounted to almost 164 million hryvnia

For 2017 the Ukrainian banks recorded 77,6 thousands of cases of fraud with cards (last year was 95 thousand). The total amount of damages was estimated at 163, 7 million UAH.
It is reported by the national Bank of Ukraine and States that the losses of Ukrainian banks from illegal actions with payment cards decreased compared to the year 2016. This positive trend has been observed for the first time since 2015.
“In 2017 this amount was 0,0077% of the total volume of transactions with payment cards (in 2016 – 0,011%). That is a million debit transactions with use of payment cards, 77 hryvnia were accounted for by the illegal operation, while in 2016 it amounted to almost 110 USD. On average, one such illegal operation in 2017 accounted for about 2100 UAH”, – noted the Director of Department of payment systems and the innovative development of the NBU Alexander yablunivka mountain.
Significantly increased the number of illegal actions or doubtful operations on the Internet. This trend the experts of the national Bank explained the change of focus from technological fraud methods of fraud on the human factor, which requires all participants of the payment market implementation of measures to improve the financial literacy of cardholders. At the same time payment in the trade network becomes one of the most secure ways of payment cards (compared to the losses incurred by holders and banks through ATMs and Internet).
Traditionally, the largest number of fraud cases occur in large cities (with a population of over one million people) and the largest area, up to 97%.
The national Bank of Ukraine
NBU recalls that the payment card users should be careful not to disclose personal information and payment card details (expiry date, CVС2 code/CVV2, the PIN to the card), and login/password to log into the web banking, one-time passwords for additional authentication of payments or logging in to the web banking (Bank representatives will never ask for this information).
To prejudice the fraudulent actions of the national Bank also recommends that you use the services of sms-informing and apply limits on operations with use of payment cards.
Meanwhile, the interbank Association of members of payment systems EMA States that for 2017, cyber criminals have stolen from Bank accounts of Ukrainians 670 million UAH.
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