Pseudopolyps and fake payment system: how fraudsters lured the Ukrainians 670 million hryvnia per year

Payment fraud in Ukraine is increasing due to lack of knowledge users of Bank cards and neglect of basic safety rules. Most of the deceived people know that no one can tell the card details, but did it anyway, says the story TSN.19:30.
Among other things, revealed that a third of respondents felt safe not to hold my hand over the pin at the ATM, half does not set a limit on card payments, and a third considers it safe to use an unknown payment service. All of these are scammers, who steal money from Bank accounts of Ukrainians.
Videosa last year of Ukraine’s population cybercriminals lured nearly 670 million hryvnia
Payment fraud in Ukraine is increasing due to lack of knowledge. During sociological research “Gemius Ukraine” surveyed more than 1,500 respondents. 77% of them know that no one can tell the card details and Bank codes with sms, but 76% – in the face of fraud, disclose their card details.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:10
Sergei was a victim of the typical scheme, when pseudophegopteris in his ad on the Internet promised to transfer the funds, and then he received a call supposedly from Bank’s security service and said that it expected the payment fails because the card is blocked and the possibility of obtaining a private individual transactions of legal entities. For confirmation are asked to name the four digits of the SMS, which really came for, and then asked to name the pin that gullible people did. “And I see in my two transactions – vzhuh, vzhuh! – and the money went,” stated the loss of it.
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Losses due to fraudulent card transactions amounted to almost 164 million hryvnia
Another common method – SMS about allegedly blocked the map and the need to provide for unlocking all the details. Variations may be sufficient: Olga promotes the clothing store on the Internet, so the message that the social network will block from-for debts for the is she was surprised because she pays bills regularly. So the woman went straight to the link to the web page and personally introduced their sensitive card data. “Still wonder how I could this story. Then I saw this message a few mistakes even in the word facebook. It just lulled the vigilant,” she admits.
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Cyber criminals doubled the amount of theft from the Bank accounts of Ukrainians
Cybercriminals are constantly improving and changing methods of fraud, and now lead a fake payment system. They specifically promote to search engines gave them above real. A gullible users fall into the trap when you leave on websites such financial information. In the past year, men enticed by almost 700 million hryvnia. And although fraudulent transactions, with only 25 million, this share tends to growth. Therefore, banks and cybersecurity experts again and again I remind you that the Bank never asks your card number, pin code and other codes and confidential information of the card owner.
The correspondent TSN Valentine Goodness
The national Bank of Ukraine
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