Matios accused the major General of the defense Ministry of lying about the number of suicides in the APU

The Ministry of defence is lying regarding the number of suicides in the army.
Wrote about this on his page in Facebook the chief military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios, unveiling the information regarding the suicide.
“23 Feb, major-General Gruntkowski, commenting on the words of the Chief military Prosecutor said: “These statements by senior officials who do not work directly with the staff, it’s PR and manipulation”. Of course. Only this lie General of the Ministry of defence have now to deny me with deep sorrow,” said he.
According to Matios, the military prosecutors because of the “callous and careless work” units Gruntkowski forced to “work” already not alive, but dead personnel of the armed forces.
“Within two months of the current year in two suicides a week (16 deaths from suicide) – these meager data of the Unified register of pre-judicial investigations dispassionate as anyone. Sorrow and tears of parents. The majority of suicide – very young children 1995-1998 year of birth”, – said Matios.
The head of the military Prosecutor’s office noted that recently the military Prosecutor’s office raises the question of the absolute necessity of timely detection of post-traumatic stress disorder and prevent suicides among current and former participants of the ATO.
“Only according ERDR of the nearly 313 thousand members of ATU 518 people have committed suicide. How much they made in civilian life, crimes PTRs – insensitive one. Passage of the ATO participants psychological rehabilitation is required, however, in 2017 the level of their provision of such services by the state amounted to only 0.1% of the total,” he said.
At the same time. noticed that in February 2017 regional bodies of social protection of the population ceased activities on psychological rehabilitation of ATO participants.
“Accordingly, it was reduced state funding in this area from 49.9 million UAH to UAH 21.9 million (or 56.1 per cent). The state budget of Ukraine in 2018 for these purposes compared to 2016-2017 increased funding provided 109 million. But the sad reality of our lives is evidenced by the presence of material online does not guarantee its rational and efficient use. The status of work of the authorized bodies of social protection and healthcare for the rehabilitation and prevention of PTSD among those who took the hybrid war is catastrophic,” – said Matios, adding that instructed military prosecutors of regions and of the ATO forces to thoroughly investigate the problem of providing psychological rehabilitation, social and professional adaptation of the participants of the ATO at the expense of budgetary funds.
On the sad lies about suicides in the army, the head of Department morally-psychological support of the MOU Gruntkowski (cu…
Published Anatoly Matios 26 Feb 2018
We will remind, earlier the General staff of the Armed forces of Ukraine called the false words of the chief military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios that every week in the area of ATO commit suicide 2-3 military. The chief of the moral-psychological support of Ukraine Oleg Gruntkowski accused Matios in the manipulation.
“I don’t know where he (Matios) these figures have taken… I can say one thing that this figure is significantly less. Very strange to hear such statements from senior officials, especially prosecutors, from people who are not actively working with the staff, suicide prevention… This statement is not true, it is not true and is likely due to the manipulation of public opinion,” he said.
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