Chubarov commented on the possibility of deprivation of nationality for participation in the “elections” in Crimea

Chubarov commented on the possibility of deprivation of nationality for participation in the “elections” in Crimea
Today, 06:36
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He stressed that we should not fall into despair and “to disperse zradu.”
The Chairman of the Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov said that the bill on deprivation of citizenship of residents of the Russian Federation annexed the Crimea, taking part in Russian elections, need to be refined.
About this he wrote on his page in Facebook.
For two hours I called channel 4 and two editions to comment on the draft Law on amendments to…
Posted by Refat Chubarov April 20, 2018
“Some of the new provisions proposed in the draft, in particular regarding matters that may serve as grounds for loss of citizenship of Ukraine, will cause a justified indignation of the residents of temporarily occupied Crimea.
See also:
In the Crimea to ensure a turnout at the polls have resorted to blackmail and threats – Chubarov
We are talking about the fact that the grounds for loss of citizenship can become acts of a person as a result of coercion by the invaders. For example, a mandatory call by the Russian occupiers of a young man living in Crimea, on military service.
Or participation under pain of dismissal in illegal elections held by Russian occupation authorities”, – said Chubarov.
He stressed that we should not fall into despair and “to disperse zradu.”
“I am sure that in considering this bill in Committee and the session of Parliament all proposed standards will be aligned with the policy of the state, defined in the current Law of Ukraine “On ensuring rights and freedoms of citizens and legal regime on the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine”, – said Chubarov.
Videoblue 90% of the Crimean Tatars boycotted the illegal elections in the Peninsula, – Chubarov
This was stated by Refat Chubarov. And although Moscow claimed that the presence in the Crimea was 63%, activists say, in fact, the plots were empty. Election of Crimeans ignored, despite intimidation and threats.
TSN. Pdsmi day
20 Mar, 00:29
“The work of the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights, national minorities and interethnic relations, which is defined mainly in the consideration of this bill, there is extensive participation of human rights activists and representatives of public organizations”, – said Chairman of the Majlis.
Earlier, President Petro Poroshenko has submitted to Parliament a bill according to which the Russian citizenship on residents of Crimea as a result of unlawful actions of the occupation administration (Russian state authorities and controlled by the breakaway authorities, usurped power) will not be considered voluntary.
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