Last time was a year ago: residents of Pavlopol told about powerful the morning attack militants

Last time was a year ago: residents of Pavlopol told about powerful the morning attack militants
© The State Border Service Of Ukraine
Yesterday, 21:58
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Official observers came in the afternoon when the sun was at its Zenith.
Ukrainian journalists visited raked on Saturday morning, the territory of the PPC “Hnutove” and close Pishevik. There resumed traffic, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Locals say that in the morning all was just lucky, because on the territory of the shelling nobody was in fact blown around too powerful. “It’s been too long,” – says a resident of the village Pavlopol Valentina. Eyewitnesses say that the last such attack was observed as early as a year ago.
Videoroliki fired at Pavlopil, Hnutove and Food in the East
Near these settlements in the morning shuddered the earth. Locals say that such a powerful fire, and so near their homes on this stretch of the frontline was not very long ago. Because of the attacks, had briefly even close the checkpoint “Hnutove”.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:02
The echo of cannon fire on the front line near the checkpoint the last few weeks is heard almost every day, but today with fifty heavy enemy tank shells exploded not more, just 800 metres from the KPVV. The very at times the position of Ukrainian Marines in Pavlopol and Hnutove leveled to the ground, 120 mortars, and the local admit that there were also “Grad”. “Somewhere in half an hour it was on. Forty minutes,” – says a resident of the village Zoya Fedorovna. “The explosions were strong, everything in the house shook, even the Windows clinked, the door just opened. The grandson jumped in the house all the rings, all loose, even off the table something fell,” – said a resident of Pavlopol, Mr. Alex.
See also:
Tanks and big guns: a day in the Donbass invaders committed 31 attack on the positions of the APU
People say they experienced stress “drink” pills. When already all have long subsided, and the inhabitants came to, near KPVV appeared the OSCE observers. They supposedly listened to the day the silence, but when he noticed the camera journalists quickly jumped into his car and drove away.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Motor
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