The explosion of a homemade bomb on the Playground in Kiev was RC

The explosion of a homemade bomb on the Playground in Kiev was RC
© Police Kiev / Facebook
Today, 20:24
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By miracle has done without victims.
On the Playground in the residential district of the capital detonated an unknown device. According to police, the explosives were home-made and radio-controlled, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Occurred at exactly 8:00 in the morning, the device was hidden under a blanket. Metal balls flogged metal posts, trees and even a window on one of the floors of a nearby house. The small funnel is and slate the fence of the car Park next to it. No people, no cars miraculously not hurt. The Parking guard who said she saw the night before, suspicious man.
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Upon explosion investigators began two criminal proceedings for hooliganism and illegal weapons handling. The cops already have preliminary conclusions about the explosives. “Bomb experts suggest that this was a radio-controlled explosive device,” said a spokesman for the Metropolitan police Oksana Blischik. The examination should give more information on what exactly exploded on the Playground. Militiamen began search of the attacker.
The TSN reporter Anton Strashko
Video surveillance of the Playground in a residential area of Kiev detonated an unknown device
According to police, the explosives were home-made and radio-controlled. Unknown covered her with a blanket. Metal balls flogged metal posts, trees, even a window on one of the floors of the house. Upon explosion investigators began two criminal proceedings for hooliganism and illegal weapons handling.
TSN. 19:30
Today, 19:50
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