Near the metro station “Arsenalnaya” in Kiev installed metal detectors. The police have restricted movement

Near the metro station “Arsenalnaya” in Kiev installed metal detectors. The police have restricted movement
Today, 09:31
In the capital expected the shares to the Victory Day over Nazism.
On the street of Ivan Mazepa, near the metro station “Arsenalnaya” in Kiev to restrict the movement of vehicles. Law enforcement officers have installed metal detectors.
The corresponding video is published “up”.
The video shows that near the station gathered a large number of law enforcement officers, the underpass is blocked by soldiers of the National guard. The beginning of the street Mazepa blocked by metal detectors.
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“We need to know and remember everyone.” Poroshenko honored the memory of Ukrainians-participants of the Second world
Arsenal now
Published by “the Ukrainian truth” may 8, 2018
Now there are no conflicts or collisions. On the square near the station, people gather with icons of memory and reconciliation in the form of a poppy flower.
We will remind, today, on may 9, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Victory over Nazism in the Second world war. In this regard, in Kiev partially blocked traffic.
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