In the Donbas the combined forces took control of South

In the Donbas the combined forces took control of South
The war in the East
Today, 02:09
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The situation in the South is complicated, but controlled.
The combined forces took control of a town South of Donetsk region.
This was reported by the press service of the 24th mechanized brigade APU in Facebook.
South kontrolem under the combined forces
The situation that has developed in the area of the settlement of the South, located in the strip of responsibility 24 Ombre from the combined forces, as 17.05.2018 year In early April, the enemy intensified in the village South in the following areas: NFP (illegal formation), with a frequency of 2 times per week, up to a motorized infantry platoon arrived in the South of the settlement, to test the local population for loyalty to the Ukrainian authorities and the demonstration of their presence in it; from mid-April 2018 he put the secrets on the Eastern outskirts of the settlement of the South. This information was confirmed during carrying out prospecting actions by forces and means of the United forces. On the basis of proposals of the chief of intelligence brigade and intent of the battalion commander, a brigade headquarters, a plan was developed, taking control of the settlement of the South. It should be noted that logistical and operational support and control over the performance of tasks carried out directly by the joint forces command. It was provided with timely and necessary assistance to the units of the brigade, who performed the task. At 02.00 on may 08, 2018 the personnel of the reconnaissance units of the brigade started to implement this plan. As at 06.00 08 may 2018 division teams went to the Eastern edge of the settlement South. During the execution of phase I (setting settlement South under control) loss of personnel the team has not suffered. Enemy losses were as follows: permanently – 1, health – 1. Starting from 11.00 08 may 2018 the enemy, actions of the DRG and the periodic application of fire destruction of the brigade units that are in firing positions, trying to oust them from the settlement South. Returning fire, the brigade inflicted considerable losses: at least 15 people killed and wounded. Currently, the situation in the South of the settlement difficult, but controllable. Combat mission, the content n of the South, performed by the combined unit of 24 Ombre. The opponent carries out the constant attempts of the local assault action to oust our troops from the indicated destination. For the period from 08.05 17.05 on in this area slightly wounded one soldier. Soldiers who perform combat tasks, for courage and devotion to the Homeland have encouraged with awards of the Ministry of defence and the chief of the General staff – chief of the armed forces of Ukraine, as well as some officers, sergeants and soldiers presented to the state awards. The actions of the brigade units to support the appropriate forces and means of the senior commander of the joint forces. Glory To Ukraine!
Published 24 Ombre behalf of the king, Daniel, press office 17 may 2018
The settlement was brought under control within four hours (from 2.00 to 6.00) on 8 may. In particular, it is noted that fighters in early April with a frequency of two times per week up to a motorized infantry platoon arrived in the South of the settlement.
See also:
In the Donbass intensified fighting, the Ukrainian military and the militants suffered casualties
“On the basis of proposals of the chief of intelligence brigade and intent of the battalion commander, the brigade developed a plan to take control of the settlement of the South”, – is spoken in the message.
The team noted that logistical and operational support and control over the performance of tasks carried out directly by the joint forces command.
“2.00 may 8, 2018, the personnel of the reconnaissance units of the brigade started to implement this plan. As of 6.00 may 8, the brigade went to the Eastern edge of the settlement South”, – said the press service.
During the first phase (setting settlement South under control) loss of personnel the team has not suffered. The losses of the insurgents amounted to one killed and one wounded. “Starting from 11.00 am on 8 may the enemy action and sabotage and periodic application of fire destruction of the brigade units that are in firing positions, trying to oust them from the settlement South. Returning fire, the brigade inflicted considerable losses: at least 15 people killed and wounded,” said the team.
Now the situation in the South is complicated, but controlled. Combat missions for the contents of the settlement performed by the combined unit of 24 Ombre.
Taking control of the village South are also confirmed in the joint forces command, which declares the improvement of tactical defense positions of Ukrainian troops in Gorlovka direction. “Planned, prepared and implemented action heroes of the first mechanized battalion, reconnaissance company of the brigade helped to guarantee the safety of the inhabitants of the village South (Chigiri) and thwart the evil intentions of the enemy”, – said the press center of operations for a joint task force Facebook.
South kontrolem under the combined forces
The situation that has developed in the area of the settlement of the South, located in the strip of responsibility 24 Ombre from the combined forces, as 17.05.2018 year In early April, the enemy intensified in the village South in the following areas: NFP (illegal formation), with a frequency of 2 times per week, up to a motorized infantry platoon arrived in the South of the settlement, to test the local population for loyalty to the Ukrainian authorities and the demonstration of their presence in it; from mid-April 2018 he put the secrets on the Eastern outskirts of the settlement of the South. This information was confirmed during carrying out prospecting actions by forces and means of the United forces. On the basis of proposals of the chief of intelligence brigade and intent of the battalion commander, a brigade headquarters, a plan was developed, taking control of the settlement of the South. It should be noted that logistical and operational support and control over the performance of tasks carried out directly by the joint forces command. It was provided with timely and necessary assistance to the units of the brigade, who performed the task. At 02.00 on may 08, 2018 the personnel of the reconnaissance units of the brigade started to implement this plan. As at 06.00 08 may 2018 division teams went to the Eastern edge of the settlement South. During the execution of phase I (setting settlement South under control) loss of personnel the team has not suffered. Enemy losses were as follows: permanently – 1, health – 1. Starting from 11.00 08 may 2018 the enemy, actions of the DRG and the periodic application of fire destruction of the brigade units that are in firing positions, trying to oust them from the settlement South. Returning fire, the brigade inflicted considerable losses: at least 15 people killed and wounded. Currently, the situation in the South of the settlement difficult, but controllable. Combat mission, the content n of the South, performed by the combined unit of 24 Ombre. The opponent carries out the constant attempts of the local assault action to oust our troops from the indicated destination. For the period from 08.05 17.05 on in this area slightly wounded one soldier. Soldiers who perform combat tasks, for courage and devotion to the Homeland have encouraged with awards of the Ministry of defence and the chief of the General staff – chief of the armed forces of Ukraine, as well as some officers, sergeants and soldiers presented to the state awards. The actions of the brigade units to support the appropriate forces and means of the senior commander of the joint forces. Glory To Ukraine!
Published 24 Ombre behalf of the king, Daniel, press office 17 may 2018
The staff assured that the combined forces will continue to do everything to strengthen our defenses and prevent the invaders deep into the defense.
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The Marines showed the wreckage of the latest rockets, which they fired at fighters (5 photos)
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May 13, 14:52
Videoroliki fired on school children in Svetlodarsk
There were no casualties, but the injured man, who at that time was passing. The shells landed in the school yard, in the classrooms at that time were almost four hundred students. They were saved by the tree that took the brunt.
TSN. Pdsmi day
Today, 00:37
We will remind that earlier it was reported that in the Donbass killed the commander of the brigade fighters “Tag”.
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