The press service of the Prosecutor General potrolit in social networks his opponents a photo of the chief from the airport

The press service of the Prosecutor General potrolit in social networks his opponents a photo of the chief from the airport
©Лариса Sargan
Today, 20:25
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Lutsenko is flying to new York via Istanbul.
Press Secretary of Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko Larisa Sargan posted on the social network Facebook photo of his boss who sits in the hall of the airport in the Turkish Istanbul.
“In the Istanbul airport during check-in for the flight to new York seen a man similar to the Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko. Somewhere nervously twitched source MP Dobrolubova”, – wrote Gar.
At the Istanbul airport when checking in for the flight to new York seen a man similar to the Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko. *Nervously zagoralos source MP Dobrolubova
Published by Larisa Sargan on may 22, 2018.
Recall that in early April, the leader of the party “new force” and ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili has said that Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko cancelled American visa and was taken off the KLM plane at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam.
That Lutsenko cancelled my visa and not allowed to fly to this country from Amsterdam, was previously reported by the MP Dmitry Dobrodomov, who during the trial of Saakashvili in December 2017, was ready to take him on bail.
In response, Lutsenko in the comments to the post on Facebook wrote: “the Clinic is there for you without Mishiko”. Press Secretary of the Prosecutor General Larisa Sargan added that “this is nonsense,” Lutsenko is on the job and didn’t go anywhere.
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