Free housing for the fans: the originator of the flash mob and foreigners are shocked by the hospitality of the people of Kiev

Free housing for the fans: the originator of the flash mob and foreigners are shocked by the hospitality of the people of Kiev
Yesterday, 23:59
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The Ukrainians made a real cultural ambassadors of their country in Europe.
As soon as some Ukrainians raised housing prices in Kiev dozens of times, others povoljnih invited fans to visit the gift. The action was announced in social networks right after fans of Liverpool complained that to stay in Kiev for two nights they can not afford, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Within a few weeks hostelone Ukrainians gathered almost 9 thousand. They met fans at the airport, because it wanted the Europeans have left a good impression about Ukrainians. “The last time my wife went to the world Cup in France, we without any problems in Marseille, rented a room for 100 euros,” – said Evgeny Shevchenko. His guests admit they were shocked by the Ukrainian housing prices, and never before with such did not face. “Usually, everywhere you can just to stay in a hotel for a reasonable price. We are therefore very pleased that we were invited,” says Moritz. He adds that together with my friends were offered the Ukrainian owners money, but they refused. “We offered, but we didn’t take anything. So maybe we outta beer,” he suggests.
Videodesexy Ukrainians invited to the night foreign fans
As soon as some Ukrainians raised the price of housing in Kiev dozens of times, others invited football fans to visit in vain. Share announced in Facebook right after the fans of Liverpool complained that to stay in Kiev for two nights they can not afford. After a few weeks hostelone Ukrainians gathered almost 9 thousand.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:38
Took fans from London and Marichka Padalko – it flew dad with 8-year-old daughter, who is a famous cheerleader. First they booked the hotel, but their order at the last moment canceledbecause of unscrupulous merchants trying to resell the rooms are more expensive. The hospitality of ordinary Ukrainians, the Europeans did not expect – and also admit that until now such high prices and at the same time, such hospitality is not seen in any country of the world. “If you really want to come, of course, you’re willing to pay more. But in Ukraine the prices were just absurd. We couldn’t afford it,” say the British and I thank the people of Kiev for the wonderful reception.
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Free settlement from Kiev have used a few thousand foreigners, the Ukrainians immediately bombarded social media with photos of met fans. For that hospitality did not expect even the organizer of the flashmob Victor Chilimar, who first gave a cry in sorcerian – he admits he is amazed that in a short time responded almost 9 thousand volunteers. “It’s hundreds and hundreds of success stories that people have offered housing. Not just housing people actually are cultural ambassadors, because they invited to their family, they treat our traditional food, they are ready to take you on a tour”, he explained.
The TSN reporter Anna Bock
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