In Kiev, the divers-volunteers removed from the bottom of the Dnieper pounds of garbage

In Kiev, the divers-volunteers removed from the bottom of the Dnieper pounds of garbage
Today, 12:58
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Such actions they organize twice a year.
Pounds of plastic and glass bottles, plastic bags and even draughts from the cab. Find at the bottom of the Dnieper can be anything. But these treasures are harmful not only to nature but also are a threat to tourists, says TSN.12.00.
Come to the aid of divers. Twice a year they volunteer for free to clean the bottom near the beaches.
“Basically, it’s plastic bottles, glass. Dies from a taxi, things to beat the pit”, say the divers.
The process is led by the President of one of the diving clubs, a professional diver diving, fighter 54 brigade Andrey Lagutin. He helps the son. Too, Andrew. Such shares, together with the friends they hold twice a year for the past 13 years. The beaches chosen by popularity and amount of debris.
“Our people, 90% of the time that is called shitting on your head, they can come here to relax and here to throw into the water bottles, glasses,” says diver.
While the participants wear wetsuits, checking the oxygen tanks and set up gear, Andrey Lagutin-senior instructs.
Videodiary from the bottom of the Dnieper river got pounds of garbage
Plastic and glass bottles, plastic bags and even draughts from the cab. Find at the bottom of the Dnieper can be anything. But these treasures are harmful not only to nature, but also poses a threat to campers. Come to the aid of divers. Twice a year they volunteer for free to clean the bottom near the beaches.
TSN. 12:00
Today, 12:38
“Very carefully inspect the shallow water – depth from knee-deep to chest level is the most dangerous areas for swimming people,” says Lagutin.
The first group of cleaners already in the water. The work has begun. Looking for garbage an hour and a half. For divers it is not only a noble cause but the competition for who can collect debris.
“Garbage every year becomes less and less – it’s really nice to watch. This suggests that people become more cultured,” says one of the divers.
Next time on cleaning the Dnieper river they gather in September.
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