Index of dumpling. Among the ingredients most grew potatoes and onions, and the fat fell

Index of dumpling. Among the ingredients most grew potatoes and onions, and the fat fell



Today, 11:38

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From the beginning, the preparation of the dumplings have risen more than 5%.

In the first five months of 2018 Ukrainian index of dumpling has grown by 5.04%. Now, to cook a serving of this dish on the classic recipe of potatoes for four people, you need 35,42 UAH.

It is reported by the Office of effective regulation.

When calculating take into consideration the online prices in the major supermarkets.

See also:

The economic development Ministry has launched a website with daily monitoring of food prices, food and index dumpling

The largest increase among the ingredients touched the potatoes (of 39.35%) and onions (+51,93%). Cheaper oil (0.1%) and fat (3.13%).

Among the regions of the best dynamics about the balance between prices and average wages observed in the Kyiv, Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk and Lviv regions. The worst situation is in Cherkasy, Chernihiv and Volyn regions.

To calculate the cost of any dish, knowing its ingredients, online at this link.

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  • dumpling
  • index dumpling

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