MPs have come up with for the future of the city: section 30 areas and new powers for the mayor

MPs have come up with for the future of the city: section 30 areas and new powers for the mayor
Today, 04:49
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However, the path of negotiation and adoption of the bill will be very difficult.
The MPs decided to increase the power of the mayor of Moscow and Kiev back to the government. The initiators explain that in the largest city Chairman has hardly least of all in Ukraine, the authority said in the story TSN.19:30.
Kiev is the largest of the regional budget and the largest concentration of bodies. Legally the city is run by two people: the mayor and the head of the city administration. In practice, it is one and the same person. “We have double-headed eagle. Here’s what the mayor does? He serves as mayor, presiding during the session and makes a decision. After lunch, see what I’ve made a lot of decisions before lunch” – ironically the Director of “Institute of territorial development” Yuriy Ganuschak.
Videoarte elected representatives want to increase the power of capital’s mayor
Because, it is said, in the biggest city of Ukraine that is perhaps less of all powers. The bill proposes to further reduce the number of deputies of the city Council. In addition, most of the authority to transfer the district councils, and the capital share of at least 30 areas.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:16
One of the sponsors of the bill to change the status of the mayor of Kiev is the MP Oksana Rawfoodist. She is convinced that the mayor often disenfranchised, and sometimes even a hostage of the President, who appoints the head of the KSCA. A striking example: after the voluntarily resignation of the mayor of Chernivtsi city for a long time led only the head of the KSCA, but the election of the mayor is not carried out, so as people could choose who the President was not satisfied. Such a system, the MP believes is wrong. “Kiev was considered as a source of income and as such an important city that must be controlled,” – said the MP.
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The bill proposes to give the mayor powers similar to those that exist in other cities, and also reduce the number of deputies of city Council to 25. The wage they must appoint that they themselves did not take selfish decisions. In addition to transfer most of the powers of the district councils, and the capital share of at least 30 areas. The acting mayor Vitaly Klitschko with the need for change agrees because to manage such a metropolis as Kiev, with outdated laws difficult. “A lot of questions and regarding the removal of taxes and the activities of the municipal police, and the earth,” he says.
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1 June, 16:00
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However, there are in the municipality and comments on the new bill. The people’s Deputy Dmitry Belotserkovets explains that the team Klitschko are afraid that too many items in document are declarative and can not be embodied in practice. “That’s why we registered to begin the discussion. We are not saying that this is the final version – it needs to be considered at the Committee level,” – said the politician.
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Experts remind that similar bills have repeatedly registered in the Parliament, but before the final voting, they never came. And the explanation is simple: the city budget is almost 50 billion hryvnyas. That is a tremendous resource, which can dispose, for example, political opponent. “Elementary and can blackmail the government,” explained Ganuschak. The problem is that without the reforms necessary for full-fledged decentralization, which is often the government itself says.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Romanyuk
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