Gym, Granny flat and huge gifts: MP Fishing “declassified” his partner, his Junior by 15 years

Gym, Granny flat and huge gifts: MP Fishing “declassified” his partner, his Junior by 15 years
Today, 02:01
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The MP says that the woman is the leader in their relationship.
The millionaire MP Serhiy Rybalka with a train of scandalous divorce from his first wife builds relationships with the younger at 15 years a girl named Anastasia. A politician calls himself a pussy-whipped, and a new passion – main in their relationship, according to a story TSN.19:30.
39-year-old Fishing as one of the sponsors of the Radical party and a dollar millionaire. 24-year-old student Anastasia Shevchenko University and owner of a business related to shares and the stock market. “I love charts and Analytics,” she says. Gambling girl calls work, but the success does not apply. “I’ve been doing this a long time ago, I started with $ 100,” she says.
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She is young and rich, he is the eldest at 15 years, the millionaire MP, with a train of scandalous divorce from his first wife. Her picture was on billboards in new York’s times square, he bragged about relaxing on a yacht on the Cote d’azur of France. Who controls whom, who earns money and how many cars have a DePuy family for happiness – see later in the story TSN.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:37
The first wife of the MP was the daughter of the owner of the supermarket chain, the parents of the second civil wife Anastasia – owners of a chain of driving schools. The girl drives a Porsche Panamera, and the Deputy acknowledged that two of the car she had recently sold. “Her self-sufficient mother, she is our lady, her school, many schools, 12 schools, network in Ukraine. And she helps, gives money,” says Fishing and adds that such gifts can be measured by the sums with six zeros.
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This couple has celebrated a wedding, but are not officially married. Met on the Cote d’azur five years ago. “I Sergei immediately liked, something skipped a beat! He looked very good, was a handsome, muscular – very much I liked it immediately, but of course I didn’t mind!”, – says Anastasia. Fishing argues that the concept of it had not, however, the relationship began. “I came over to her house for a very long time, and she fed me and then we started to live together,” so the Deputy sees the development of their relationship.
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Anastasia admits that living with a male politician is not easy. “When Sergei in a bad mood, it is better not to approach, but I find a way. To cook something tasty, set the table and you better not say anything at all – to be silent!”, – she admits. They live in the apartment of her grandmother, and she went to Nastina apartment outside the city. “I get that all the time,” says Fishing.
The TSN reporter Daria Happy
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