Children from Marinka forced to spend the summer at school camps a few hundred meters from the front line

Children from Marinka forced to spend the summer at school camps a few hundred meters from the front line
The war in the East
Today, 13:21
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To console the guys, the city attracts volunteers from different countries.
In the children’s school camp in Marinka village, through which passes the front line, remain children. They still sleep in the arms of mom and flinch at every loud noise. Their parents do not have the opportunity to send students out of town at least for the summer. They spend all their time in the school camp. Here a few hundred meters from the front line teachers and volunteers returned to the children of war hope, says TSN.12.00.
Once the houses on the outskirts of the city people lived, now its a breeze. Marinka ruins are surrounded by greenery and with every meter they sprinkled with the blood of our soldiers, who defend the city and local.
“Here lives the next couple of years are unlikely to return, here everything is destroyed and tanks, and mortars. A lot of “flies” in the very Marinka, sometimes it’s deliberate shelling of civilians, as recently, when a sniper killed a local resident,” – said the press officer.
With the first line of the local left still 2014. Someone even left the city, some simply moved away from the front line, to other, more protected city streets. Tatiana Mota on people, and when the money ran out, with the twins on his hands back in front of the city.
“The attacks we have become accustomed, but the hardest thing to get used to the fact that there are no jobs. Children are sorry, we can’t go nowhere to take them, either in the circus or Dolphinarium, children do not see”, – says the woman.
Videogame Marinka spend the summer holidays in school camps near the frontline
Journalist Ruslan Yarmolyuk visited the children’s school camp in Marinka is a town through which passes the front line. The children there did not leave. They still sleep in the arms of mom and flinch at every loud noise. Their parents do not have the opportunity to send students out of town at least for the summer. They spend all their time in the school camp.
TSN. 12:00
Today, 12:50
Her girls are now happily jumping on the trampoline in the school yard. It is located at some hundred meters from the front line! And in this school the twins September will go to the first class.
In the long underground corridors of the school building during attacks, hiding both children and adults. Director, Ludmila, remembers the first months of the war. Drawing on that experience today in the store prudently keeping everything from blankets to drinking water supplies, and even toys. Says very much help to international organizations and volunteers. Katya comes from Kherson to play with the local kids.
“They have in the eyes of sadness, we have games, they are not so open, not laughing. They we look forward. They are more valued than ordinary children,” says the volunteer.
Children of war – for the first time in many months, laugh, dance and play football.
To take their kids at least for the summer from Marinka, are parents, just not possible. And they are, frankly, not very and tend. Because children are forced to stay here, in the line of fire.
“It’s my life, my home, I don’t want to go somewhere, I hope that everything will end”, – says a local resident.
Children do not run on ammunition filled the streets, near the school opened a summer camp. Teenagers work here and local teachers, and volunteers from the United States. One of them is former U.S. marine. Today she dances and sings for step from the front, with the Ukrainian children.
The camp is open until the evening. Then it all quickly scatter to their homes. The Windows of the school lay bags. Although shooting here now is much less but the blind bullets still fly in the yard. The war is near, and she recalls his evening gunfire and the glow of fires.
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