“When the train was approaching, it was very scary”: soaper said about Saturday’s escapade on the tracks of the Kiev metro

“When the train was approaching, it was very scary”: soaper said about Saturday’s escapade on the tracks of the Kiev metro
Today, 20:59
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Two youths managed to escape from punishment, but the police sure get to the offenders.
The journalists made contact with the teenager who along with a friend jumped into a Saturday subway train at the station “sports Palace”. This stunt without injury, and the troublemakers managed to escape from the scene, says the story TSN.19:30.
“This is a very dangerous question, because the rail served more than 10,000 volts. The violators managed to escape because they were not detained qualified staff – it was the engineer and plant workers,” – said the head of the police Department of Metropolitan Vitaly Bykov.
Videots talked to one of the teenagers, who jumped on the subway tracks before the train
Two teenagers at one of the stations of the Moscow subway jumped onto the tracks before the train, and now the cops are after them. TSN ahead of the cops and talked to one of the daredevils. The guy told me that he did not know why I did it, and urged not to repeat his act.
TSN. 19:30
Today, 19:52
The jumpers managed to find thanks to the Internet and take their review. “I climbed on to the platform, and the first woman to beat the bag. I barely got out – and the police ran at us. Just ran and didn’t catch us,” – said the guy who decided to come away from the Metropolitan cops, and headed to the winery. Internet when Viktor says that such things do, for the past several months, but to explain why he does it, cannot. He adds that under the train was scary. “When he approached, it was very scary. When he stopped, I realized that there will be no shock. No purpose was not purpose – just to test myself, just wanted to make. I don’t want someone behind me said, it’s dangerous, it’s very bad and you can’t do that,” said the young man.
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The police promised to catch and prosecute both the offenders, as it did with other Gazprom Paul Boomchicka, who rode on the subway cars, took spectacular video and then spent several days administrative arrest. In the capital there is an entire movement train surfers falling, which ride between the subway cars, lie under the train, climbing onto the bridge – you guys get a lot of adrenaline, fame among friends, but some of the shocks of 10 thousand volts. Psychologists say that such entertainment does not come from great intelligence, and to convince teenagers should not argument to death, which they at that age you’re a little afraid, and the prospect of physical injury and insolvency for life.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Zagorodnii
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