In Ukraine, the fall will jump the price of bread

In Ukraine, the fall will jump the price of bread
Today, 11:51
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Besides bread, you can add in the cost of cereals and pasta.
In Ukraine, the fall of a much more expensive one of the main products on the table of the Ukrainians – the bread, said in the story “Sedanka z 1+1”.
According to experts of the market, the quarter in 2018 will increase prices, not only for social bread and cereals and pasta.
According to farmers, the bread will rise in price due to adverse weather. The critical shortage of rainfall this year felt farmers in the South of Ukraine. First of all affected Zaporizhia, Kherson and Kharkiv region. There, farmers already counting their losses. Sometimes the loss of grain yield can reach 40%.
At the same time, farmers from the Northern and Central regions of Ukraine, worried about the heavy rains predicted for July, because precipitation can destroy 7-8 million tons of grain.
“You can have good equipment, staff and money to do this, but the first thing we depend on is the weather,” says the farmer Igor Borisovich.
Videobody to rise in price of bread due to drought
The bread will rise in price due to abnormal drought. Such information spread around the Internet and have already pretty scare Ukrainians. The critical shortage of rainfall this year felt farmers in the South of Ukraine. First of all affected Zaporizhia, Kherson and Kharkiv region. There, farmers have counted loss. In some places the loss of grain yield can be 40%. So Ukraine will allegedly increase prices for flour and bread. The Ministry explained to reliably count the volume of grain harvest in Ukraine will be possible only in a month. Therefore “Breakfast” I decided to check will rise in price bread, and what is the impact of drought in one of the main products on the table of the Ukrainians.
Snidanok 1+1
Today, 10:23
In turn, the Ministry of agrarian policy comfort: bread and animal feed will be enough of their harvest, maybe, less will be exported. But it is difficult to calculate the current yield will be possible only after completion of the harvest in a month.
“In fact, the whole steppe area that received less rainfall, which are the mean annual values of this index. We winter food grown in 4 times more than need be. The vast amount of wheat is exported”, – said the Director of Department of Ministry of agriculture Vladimir topchy.
But the expert of the food market Oleg Pendzin believes that the bread will rise this year in the price of 18-19%, but not due to rain or drought.
“A poor harvest the price of bread is seriously no effect. Seriously the price of bread tied to real effective demand. Will influence the world price of grain,” – he said.
We will remind, in the beginning of summer in Ukraine cheaper meat, and some kinds of vegetables began to rapidly rise in price because last year’s harvest ends and the new yet. Carrots have increased in price as much as 56% to 27 UAH per kilo, and onions – almost 20%.
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