In Kiev patrol rescued 84-year-old woman standing on the ledge of the balcony of flats

In Kiev patrol rescued 84-year-old woman standing on the ledge of the balcony of flats
Today, 11:33
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Police persuaded the pensioner to jump from the 14th floor.
In Kiev, a patrolman prevent the suicide of an 84-year-old woman who was going to jump off the balcony of his apartment on the 14th floor.
About it reported in a press-service of the MIA of Ukraine.
“About the woman old age that is trying to jump from the balcony of his apartment, police reported on June 19 about 21 hours. The call immediately arrived the crew of the patrol and the ambulance and the rescuers”, – stated in the message.
According to the patrol, they quickly established the number of the apartment where the citizen, and immediately rushed to her rescue. The door to the woman’s apartment were open, so the police in a moment was on her balcony.
A female patrol beginning to communicate with her grandmother and after a few minutes she managed to persuade the woman not to take irreversible — suicide has filed a police hand. With the help of rescuers the woman was dragged back to the apartment.
Is being rescued were hospitalized in a specialized hospital.
In Kiev, a patrolman prevent the suicide of an 84-year-old woman
Another life saved: in Kiev patrol ♂ this prevented the suicide of an 84-year-old woman About a woman of advanced age, which is trying to jump from the balcony of his apartment, police reported on June 19 about 21 hours. The call immediately arrived the crew of the patrol and ambulance, and #rescue. Behind the railing of one of the balconies on the 14th floor was a woman now, and had to jump down. Police quickly established the number of the apartment where the citizen, and immediately rushed to her rescue. The door to the woman’s apartment were open, so the guardians of order in a moment was on her balcony. The patrol started to talk with the 84-year-old citizen and in a few minutes she managed to persuade the woman not to take irreversible suicide bomber held out his hand to the policeman. With the help of rescuers the woman was dragged back to the apartment. Rescued were hospitalized in a specialized hospital. Arsen Avakov, the national police, the Patrol police of Ukraine
Published by the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine on 22 June 2018.
We will remind, in Ternopol on a construction site killed a young man, torn from a height of 11 floors. The guy doing the insulation of a house at the height of the 11th floor, but could not resist and fell.
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