Alena Degrik: “the decision of the NBU promote financial decentralization of Ukraine”

Alena Degrik: “the decision of the NBU promote financial decentralization of Ukraine”
June 27, 18:16
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The national Bank of Ukraine by its decisions contributes to the implementation of the decentralization reforms.
This opinion was expressed by the founder and CEO of FC “Leogang Pey” (CEO LeoGaming) Alyona Degrik (Alone Degrc).
“On 25 June, the NBU Board adopted the decree authorizing local authorities to place local bonds on the stock exchange. This will greatly simplify Ukrainian cities mobilize financial resources for the implementation of major infrastructure projects — the modernization of public transport, energy saving systems, repair roads and other. This is an important element of local government reform — in fact, administrative decentralization should be accompanied by financial capacities of local budgets. And the national Bank contributes to the local government got real sources of attraction of means” — the expert believes.
According to Degrik, the demand for local bonds in the stock market can be an indicator of success of work of local authorities.
“Optimally, if the proceeds from the sale of bonds, will be invested in projects that can provide additional revenues to local budgets. Or — to cut expenses on certain articles. Indeed, in order that the bonds were liquid, we need effective guarantees of future payouts. The best guarantee of this would be an effective management on the part of regional authorities. Management, which will benefit everyone — residents and holders of securities”, — said Alyona Degrik.
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