In China, a farmer found a fossilized turtle of the Jurassic period

In China, a farmer found a fossilized turtle of the Jurassic period
© Xinhua news Agency
25 Jun, 04:34
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It turned out that the “age” of the fossils of the animal reaches more than 150 million years.
In China, a farmer found a stone, similar to tortoise shell.
It later turned out that this is a fossilized animal is older than 150 million years, reports Xinhua.
Daughter men published pictures on the social network. They quickly spread and attracted the attention of local authorities.
Paleontologists confirmed that the find — fossils seasea turtles from the Jurassic period.
The remains of turtles are put in the local geological Museum.
Videoblue 5 thousand rare Amazonian river turtles released into the wild in Peru perednezadny
TSN. 12:00
19 October, 2017, 12:55
See also:
In Thailand from a blood infection and died a turtle, which got almost a thousand coins
Recall that the Pacific coast of Mexico sailed thousands of olive Ridley turtles. Every year, these animals travel hundreds of miles to lay their eggs in the warm Sands reserve, La Escobilla. Female turtles return to where hatched themselves a quarter of a century ago.
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