Lyashko caught in a scandal because of photos with students in the “political” t-shirts

Lyashko caught in a scandal because of photos with students in the “political” t-shirts
Jun 26, 03:24
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The Ministry of education has announced the test of an educational institution.
Photo by Oleg Lyashko with two dozen students in party t-shirts caused a scandal in social networks. Photo Radikal made in an educational institution, which is a violation of the law on campaigning, so the situation became interested in the Ministry of education, says the story TSN.19:30.
“Didn’t work out like someone planned or not planned. I don’t know, in any case, we did not plan”, – explained the Director of Snovskaya sports school, at the gym where the picture was taken. It published the MP himself, and then uproar. Snovskaya mayor took an explanatory note from the school headmaster – he claims that when I went to the gym, the children already stood in t-shirts. “What are my actions? Pluck them I can’t,” the man says.
Videofoto, Oleg Lyashko with students in party t-shirts have raised controversy in social networks
Agitation or gift. Photo by Oleg Lyashko with two dozen students in party t-shirts raised a scandal in social networks. Interested even the Ministry of education. Because the radical has done in the educational institution. And this is a direct violation of the law on campaigning. Surrounded by people’s Deputy deny this, saying that the children themselves asked for their t-shirts.
TSN. 19:30
25 Jun, 20:42
Official event with the participation of deputies organized, not an educational institution, and the party cell. In addition to Lyashko, came MPs from other parties – they had to open a new soccer field with artificial turf. Near it was supposed to happen all the celebrations, but for a few minutes before the start the rain started. The management of the school and district were waiting for the deputies, but the kids went inside. “Obviously, or assistant Deputy, or the parents initiated it. They were offered t-shirts as a gift”, – says Evgeny Mudritsky. He is a member of another party, which ever the school is not agitated, and the mayor generally non-partisan. Men believe that uncomfortable feel and the representatives of other political forces who were in the hall.
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The mother of one of the students said that the political intricacies of the children too understand, and put them on, because I just saw the MP on the TV. In the regional administration about the incident have heard and reminded that the law allows deputies to come to school, but no more. “Political parties must not use the premises of educational institutions and children for political propaganda,” – said the employee of the Chernihiv regional state administration Andriy Undermined. The Ministry of education promised check. “I want to appeal to those who go with such propaganda in the schools. They violate the laws of Ukraine”, – said the Minister Liliya Hrynevych.
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Oleg Lyashko to comment on the incident failed, as is regular working visits. His party violations of the law his actions did not see, because, they say, the electoral campaign has not yet begun, and t-shirts the children begged. “This is a private gift at the request of the children”, – says Andrey Lozovoy. In Snovsk say that to ask parents, how all was actually, but all politiclal grateful for the help in rebuilding schools. And in the future, please come without the symbols.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Romanyuk
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