The defense Ministry has actually admitted its victims in the Donbas Pskov paratroopers – “the New newspaper”

The defense Ministry has actually admitted its victims in the Donbas Pskov paratroopers – “the New newspaper”
On the graves of those killed in the Donbass Pskov paratroopers there were monuments © New newspaper
The war in the East
25 Jun, 15:54
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On the graves of the military has memorable characters that you bought and paid MO.
The Russian newspaper “Novaya Gazeta” found in the cemeteries near Pskov evidence that Russian military personnel took part and died in military operations on Donbass.
The journalist of the edition visited cemeteries in several villages of the Pskov region, where four years ago there were graves of paratroopers from the elite 76th guards air assault division. Then from the fresh graves quickly took off the plates with names mourning ribbons and airborne berets, leaving no indication of who was buried in this tomb. And relatives of the Marines and their commanders were forced to say that the military is alive and well.
“Information about the deaths of Russian paratroopers under the Lugansk in August 2014 has issued the first Ukrainian social network. Our defense took it vehemently to deny, and the death of military personnel to classify”, – writes the edition.
Novaya Gazeta
On the graves of those killed in the Donbass Pskov paratroopers there were monuments
Recently, the reporter again visited these cemeteries and saw that in place of the unmarked graves of the monuments with photos, regalia and dates of death of the deceased, which clearly coincide with those obtained in August, 2014 information. Thus, it was confirmed that these Marines were killed, although the fact of their death was trying to hide, and officially in the hostilities at the time, Russia did not participate.
The “Novaya Gazeta” found out that burial funds were allocated from the defense Ministry. When the explanations about the monuments and their funding turned to the defense Department, the names of the twelve “military personnel serving in military units stationed on the territory of the Pskov region,” the dead “outside the places of permanent deployment”. However, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation such honors have, or the military after 20 years of service, or for meritorious service. By year of birth killed Marines could not serve notice period, so MO is actually confirmed that the military was not dismissed at the time of death in the summer of 2014 and 2015, and could die in hostilities in the Donbas.
Reporters also found that those soldiers who died in the Ukrainian Donbass will not get such “bonuses” from the Ministry of defence. Because later, the Russian military command has come up with a scheme where people send in the Donbass are “phantoms”.
On the graves of those killed in the Donbass Pskov paratroopers there were monuments
“In the fall of 2014, the government changed tactics: military personnel began to form the so-called “armed forces of the DNI and LNR” and Cossack military units that protect “new Russia”. These people and their families in case of death of Russia have nothing formally, they are volunteers and the Ministry of defence are not subject to… With the military interrupted the contracts, it was done formally by law… For greater reliability and secrecy it was necessary to destroy the identity of these soldiers. Therefore began to practice the technique of hiding the identity of those who participated in the fighting. Even if they fought in the “other” groups, i.e., no units of the defense Ministry. Contracts could subscribe to these people under pseudonyms, surname, name and patronymic name in the document was fictitious. Under assumed names, these people were treated in hospitals – in St. Petersburg and in Rostov-on-don. If suddenly someone will be interested in the lists of soldiers who received treatment at specific hospitals, there is no real surnames of citizens of the Russian Federation. Will date of birth and the nature of injury that is impossible to hide. But the man himself in this list – phantom”, – quotes the edition of the local MP Lev Shlosberg, who was trying to figure out the place of death of the Pskov paratroopers.
The article also noted that the cemeteries have new graves by date of death coincide with military action in Syria.
Recall that in the occupied territory of Ukraine the militants holding the hostages 113of them confirmed by the representatives of ORDA in the framework of the “Minsk format” only 24 people. This was announced by the head of the security service of Ukraine.
Viceministers of defense acknowledged that the Russian military personnel fought in the Donbas
This is stated in the article “Novaya Gazeta”. The journalists visited the cemetery where four years ago there were the graves of soldiers killed in the Luhansk region. If crosses then even removed the plaques with the names, now installed on the graves granite monuments with photos and awards. According to journalists, the monuments were paid for by the Ministry of defence.
TSN. 12:00
June 25, 12:35
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