In Kiev shaper got 50 % body burns after a ride on the train

In Kiev shaper got 50 % body burns after a ride on the train
Yesterday, 00:35
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The boy was taken to the intensive care unit.
At the station Kyiv-Volyn from the train Kiev-Fastov from the roof on the way fell annealed teen-soaper.
It is reported
Kiev-Volyn. Train Kiev-Fastov. The explosion on the roof. On the way falls annealed teenager. Alive, conscious, asking…
Posted Nedilya, 1 lipnya 2018 R.
“Alive, conscious, asking for help. After 10 minutes the ambulance in a serious condition, with electric shock and burns over 50 percent of his body takes in the intensive care unit. After 5 min the train is leaving the route”, – stated in the message.
See also:
Normal life will be gone: doctors save 13-year-old shapera, who was electrocuted on the.
Videotalk for the first half of September in the Kiev region affected 4 of the so-called train surfers falling
TSN. 19:30
15 September 2015, 20:31
We will remind, on April 25, the passengers of Kharkiv subway took video of the guy who was driving, standing between the train cars. Thus soaper drove a few stations, then jumped onto the platform and ran away. None of the passengers called the police.
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