Poroshenko thanked the EU leaders for the extension of sanctions against Russia

Poroshenko thanked the EU leaders for the extension of sanctions against Russia
29 Jun, 10:50
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The head of state noted that he is particularly grateful to Angela Merkel and the Emmanuel Macron.
The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko thanked the EU leaders for a decision on the extension of sanctions against Russia.
He stated this on his page in Facebook.
“Important news from Brussels: EU leaders made a political decision to extend economic sanctions against the aggressor country. Deeply grateful to all our friends in the EU for the unshakable unity and solidarity with Ukraine. Words of special gratitude to Angela Merkel and President of the Emmanuel Macron for providing objective assessment of the situation in the occupied Donbas and the recognition of the clear responsibility of the Kremlin for a flagrant breach of the Minsk agreements”, – he stressed.
According to Poroshenko, the price for the aggression and will continue to grow if Russia will continue to undermine the peace process and to ignore their obligations.
Videoslider EU agreed to extend sanctions against Russia
The EU leaders reached the agreement during a night’s summit in Brussels. Restrictions against Russia, which expires on July 31, will be extended due to the lack of progress in resolving the conflict in Ukraine. EU leaders also agreed to build camps for the rescued from the sea of migrants.
TSN. Wounds
29 Jun, 09:41
“We believe that a common front, we can force the aggressor to respect international law and to ensure the restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine!” – he concluded.
It’s important novina z Brussels: lderly Evrosouzu Whalen poltica rsena schodo prodovzhennja economic sanctions against…
Published by Petro Poroshenko Thursday, 28 June 2018
We will remind, earlier the member countries of the European Union approved the extension of sanctions against Russia. There also urged the Russian Federation to accept responsibility for the downed Malaysian Boeing MH17 over Donbas in July 2014.
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