A veteran of the war in Chechnya and a thief of the fuel. In counterintelligence published data on the head of “General staff “DNR”

A veteran of the war in Chechnya and a thief of the fuel. In counterintelligence published data on the head of “General staff “DNR”
The war in the East
Yesterday, 16:35
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Russian sources spread fake information about his alleged Ukrainian origin.
Counterintelligence of security Service of Ukraine published data, which concern the so-called chief “the General staff of the Ministry of defence DNR”, “assistant Minister of defence “DNR” by nickname “Kulob”.
He appeared in the occupied Donetsk in the summer of 2014 and immediately took the position of “chief of staff”. Local fighters and the Russian “volunteers” the man introduced himself as Nikolay Vladimirovich Strelkov. Russian Wikipedia claims he was born in 1970 in Crystal (up to decommunization – Red Beam), in a mining family. But this is not true.
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According to the SBU, this man is the personnel of the Russian military, Colonel of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Valerievich Kuznetsov, who is a member of the Board of “Union of volunteers of Donbass”, a member of hostilities in Chechnya and Tajikistan. It is because of Tajikistan’s happening and call “Kulob”.
Also counterintelligence published reviews of subordinates Kuznetsova: “Extremely arrogant person with an exaggerated delusions of grandeur, “parquet General” (the honorary title in pseudorepublic not slow, that’s what Kuznetsov had long dreamed of), he loved to brag about his connections, particularly family friendship with the former Minister of defense of the USSR, coup-loser Marshall by asulym. He often emphasized his almost noble, that he was the son and grandson of General. “Kulyab” constantly accompanied by heavily armed squad of bodyguards.”
Father Kuznetsov – Kuznetsov Valery E. – the General-the major of a stock. In March 2014, a short time held the post of “Minister of defense of the Crimea” and personally led the troops of the “self”. He led the capture of the military Commissariat in Simferopol, assault and battery of journalists at the hotel “Moscow”. In September 2015 Kuznetsov handed over to the former leader of the militants “DNR” Igor Girkin gratitude for the “courage and bravery in the performance of special tasks for the protection of the independence of the Crimea”.
According to the SBU, “Kulob” in the meantime “is mainly engaged in activities that are useful only for their own pocket.” Thanks to contacts with the chief of staff of logistics of the armed forces, Lieutenant-General Alexei Kuzmenkov fuel and lubricants, spare parts to equipment, the Russian army in large numbers have placed their units in “DND” and “LNB”, “implemented left.”
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“The scale of the theft were such that the fuel is not enough for refueling armored vehicles and car Park occupation, and rank and file militants were forced to spend their own money. In the end, the patience of the Russian command was over and in “the first army corps” was sent to the Commission of the Ministry of defense of Russia. The results of the investigation of the occupying army withdrew almost all the rear of rats, someone got arrested. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the midst of the investigation of massive theft of Russian military property in 2016, “Kulob” quietly left the occupied territory of Ukraine”, – stated in the message of counterintelligence.
At the same time, according to her, the theft of fuel militants continues without the “Kulob”.
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