In taken control of the town in the Luhansk region at first frightened of the Ukrainian military

In taken control of the town in the Luhansk region at first frightened of the Ukrainian military
The war in the East
2 Jul, 17:29
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The townspeople did not realize what was happening.
Town of Golden-4 in Luhansk region, which still was partially in the grey area, now fully controlled by Ukrainian authorities. All over the city hang the flag. At a local club military meet with residents to help solve the problems and return the city to normal life, according to a story TSN.16:45.
Several years in the town of Gold-4 was not a single flag, and now two and both blue-yellow. The flag-raising ceremony lasted 10 minutes.
Ukrainian military in Gold-4 was always there. Only here it is a mining settlement smoothly into gold 5, which is now under the militants. In the fall of 2016, the parties agreed to dissolve the arms of these two settlements. Gold-4 formally remained in a gray area.
The company commander of deep exploration Oleg told that three weeks scouting the situation and now the fighters here not to go.
“Blocked the path of the subversive-reconnaissance groups of the enemy to Gold-4”, – said the scout.
Videogorod gold-4 in the Luhansk region is now completely controlled by the Ukrainian authorities
Blue-yellow over Gold. The military reported the town gold-4 in Luhansk, which is still partially in the grey area, now fully controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. Throughout the city hung a blue-and-yellow flags. At a local club military meet with people to help solve the problems and return the city to normal life.
TSN. 16:45
2 Jul, 17:21
Local first alarmed.
“Different attitudes, but we have collected them, reassured, gave humanitarian aid there a little bit there the doctors helped our,” the military said.
Local resident Catherine Semenovna explains what is so frightened: “Guys with beards – at first, everyone was afraid that it bearded”.
Today in the Gold-4 General meeting – local meet again with the military. They’re going in the club under the established flag. The locals came to the head of Operations of the joint forces. The local has a list of questions to give them coal for the winter, benefits to pay for electricity, allowed to move freely through the checkpoint and finally to go to relatives in the cemetery which 4 years was mined.
By TSN correspondent Natalia Nagornaya
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