Rada adopted the law on simplification of customs control for business

Rada adopted the law on simplification of customs control for business
© The state fiscal service of Ukraine
Today, 10:50
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For the corresponding bill voted 254 deputies.
The deputies approved in the second reading the draft law No. 7010 “On amendments to the Customs code of Ukraine and some other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the introduction of a mechanism of “single window” and optimize implementation of control procedures for the movement of goods across the customs border of Ukraine”.
For the corresponding bill voted 254 deputies.
The Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine
The purpose of the implementation of the single window – trade facilitation and reducing the time for clearance of goods through a single enterprise view of information that should be used by all regulatory authorities.
According to the law, customs will receive in electronic form permits from the authorized state bodies, which issued such documents, using the mechanism of “single window”.
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Thus, the law cancels the obligation of duplication of submission of documents in paper form.
The law aims to:
- to simplify the procedure of monitoring during implementation of foreign economic operations;
- to reduce the number of regulatory authorities at checkpoints across the state border of Ukraine in places of customs clearance of goods and means of transport within the country;
- to reduce the costs of foreign economic activity exporting goods from Ukraine;
- to reduce the number of permits submitted during the customs clearance of goods and pass through the customs border of Ukraine.
Also the custom removed radiological control, which is now carried out by ecologists.
In addition, the bill introduces into Ukrainian legislation of the provisions of the Convention on co-op mode transit NCTS.
Recall, August 1, 2016 at customs started to operate a “single window” electronic monitoring of trucks.
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