Scam when selling cars: luck buyer deftly changed the real dollars on a fake and disappeared for the purchased Audi

Scam when selling cars: luck buyer deftly changed the real dollars on a fake and disappeared for the purchased Audi
© Reuters
Today, 01:44
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The fraudster was detained due to the civil liability of the person who saw the car outside the city.
Unfortunate for the owners over selling cars in luck. Your car is on foreign registration are estimated at $ 1,800 and was immediately sold, but the bills, even checked them carefully, were false, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Cars for Confederate money sold at the local market which runs twice a week. The buyer searched the car for half an hour, was interested in the technical condition and documents, and after rode it, said buys. “People know that you need to pay attention, said a calm monotone, respectively, any suspicions do not arise,” – said the victim Orestes Ceglowski.
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Spouses rated their car on foreign registration of $ 1,800 and was immediately sold. Bills are thoroughly checked, but the Bank was – they are all fake. This is a common scheme in the Ukrainian market, warn lawyers. What to do to avoid becoming a victim of fraud and found the stolen car later in TSN.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:25
The car the couple purchased six months ago, but it turned out that for a family with two children, she is too small. The money for the Audi is counted in the car. Ceglowski convinced that they were real, and then the envelope changed. “We are with them swapped. I sat on the passenger seat, he is behind the wheel. And put it in the bag money, by not rescaling,” explained the seller.
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That all the bills are counterfeit, he learned in half an hour in the Bank, and immediately called the police. “Banknotes withdrawn and directed on research, after which it will be established the origin of the money. Now set the person who bought this car” – said the press-Secretary of Volyn police Anna Pavlovskaya. At the car saying that I can not help, because the process of purchase and sale not their competence. “We don’t do that. We only accept reservations for people who are there to sell cars,” – said Director of KP “Avtopromservis” Sergey Denisenko.
Lawyers say that such a fraudulent scheme is common. Not to get on a hook of swindlers, they are advised to check the money and arrange the documents only by specialists. “I also advise clients to pay directly at the Bank who takes the fee for the verification of cash. Especially in foreign currency”, – said the lawyer Oleg Ogorodnik.
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About the Scam Tatiana wrote in the social network and got sympathy and a dozen messages from people who allegedly saw the car and ready to sell this information. Another call came right at the time of the interview – in a message asked for 20 thousand hryvnia. But one of the calls was a real unknown absolutely for free reported that he had seen a car for 30 kilometers from Lutsk to Gorohov. The suspect, who bought it for fake dollars, was detained. The car the couple will return in a few months when the investigation will be complete.
The TSN reporter Tatiana Khomych
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