The Crimea, Syria and the transit of gas through Ukraine. What trump and Putin spoke in Helsinki

The Crimea, Syria and the transit of gas through Ukraine. What trump and Putin spoke in Helsinki
© Reuters
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In General, the presidents of the United States and Russia was satisfied with the summit.
Monday, July 16, Helsinki hosted the summit of presidents of the United States and Russia Donald trump and Vladimir Putin.
The two leaders were to meet tete-a-tete in the Gothic hall of the Presidential Palace at 13:00, but the Russian President was late for an hour. Accordingly, the meeting started late and lasted two hours instead of the planned one and a half.
TSN.ia collected the statements of both presidents at the end of the meeting, which was conducted in two parts: behind closed doors eye to eye, during which the two company leaders were only translators, and in an expanded format with the participation of heads of foreign policy departments.
In General, the presidents were satisfied with the summit. Leaving the Gothic hall, trump called the meeting with Putin “a good start”. In turn Putin at a joint press conference said that negotiations with trump were held in a “Frank and businesslike atmosphere.”
The Speech Of Vladimir Putin
The Russian President said that today Russia and the United States face new challenges. In particular, he listed the criminals, environmental, economic issues and regional crises. Putin added that he wants to transfer the contacts of the security services on a system basis, and reported that the Russians gave the Americans a “note” with specific disarmament measures.
Regarding regional conflicts, Putin acknowledged that their positions with trump are not the same. In particular, he believes that in Syria the US and Russia must work to return refugees to their homes, which they left during the military conflict.
Putin also said that the US President, Donald trump insisted during the talks on withdrawal of Israeli and Syrian forces in the Golan heights. “After the final defeat of terrorists in the southern zone, the situation in the Golan heights must be in full compliance with the agreements of 1974 on the breeding of Israeli and Syrian forces. This will allow the return of calm on the Golan, to restore the ceasefire between Syria and Israel and ensure the security of the state of Israel,” – said Putin.
The Russian leader noted the role of trump in the normalization of the situation with the DPRK’s nuclear programme and added that the positions of Russia and the United States differ in regards to Iran’s nuclear programme.
The Russian President has not paid attention to Ukraine. He stressed “the importance of conscientious realization of the Minsk agreements,” saying that Washington should exert pressure on Kiev on the settlement of the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
“During the discussion of the internal Ukrainian crisis drew attention to the importance of conscientious implementation of the Minsk agreements. The United States could decisively insist on it and configure the Ukrainian leadership on this work,” Putin said.
The Kremlin’s chief also commented on accusations of Russian interference in American elections. “I had to repeat what I have already said more than once, including at a personal meeting with the President that the Russian government never interfered and does not intend to interfere in American internal Affairs, in particular in the electoral process”, – said Putin.
He also reported that he has talked to trump the restoration of relations to the public, and invited all the experts to decide and the experts, which focus in bilateral relations.
The Speech Of Donald Trump
Trump said that relations among States at the lowest point in its development, but that supposedly has changed four hours ago. The US President added that a constructive dialogue paves the way for peace and justice. Trump willing to take the political risk to put priority on national interests.
The US President voiced the belief that Putin wants to put an end to the DPRK’s nuclear programme, and confirmed that Russia and the United States can open a communication channel for security services. In particular, trump noted that exchange of information helped to prevent a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg.
Trump double-thanked Putin for the talks.
It is noteworthy that during his introductory remarks , the US President never referred to Ukraine.
Answers to journalists ‘ questions
Answering a journalist’s question of the Agency Interfax, trump said that the US and Russia will compete, which is a positive rating.
Putin has invited Trump to influence the regulation of the energy market in the world. In particular, he said that Russia is not interested in falling and rising oil prices.
Putin also assured his American counterpart in the willingness to save the transit of gas through Ukraine after the implementation of the “Nord stream-2” and extend the contract after 2019.
“Mr. President (trump) had expressed concern about the disappearance of transit through Ukraine. I have assured the President that Russia is ready to keep this transit. Moreover, we are ready to extend the transit contract, which expires next year, in the case of settlement of a dispute between economic entities in the Stockholm arbitration court”, – said Putin.
The journalists of Russian interference in the election 2016, trump said that his team has rightly won the campaign. “There was no conspiracy. I didn’t know the President (Putin). No conspiracy,” he said.
Putin, in response, asked to provide evidence of such interference. At the same time, he acknowledged that like the victory of trumpbecause he has made statements about normalization of relations with Russia.
But, according to Putin, there is evidence that the US intelligence helped the staff of the Clinton funding.
The Russian President also said that in the case of interrogations of Russians, Moscow would demand the same step from States – interviews of representatives of U.S. intelligence.
Speaking about the Syrian situation, trump said that the US military and the Russian Federation work better politicians. Putin in turn called for increased humanitarian operation to return hundreds of thousands of refugees from Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon, which will reduce the pressure on these countries.
Putin accused George Soros in mass interventions.
During the meeting, trump once again said to Putin about the illegal annexation of Crimea. “We held a referendum… For us the matter is closed,” – said the head of the Kremlin.
Putin ridiculed the journalists ‘ question whether Russia dirt on trump or his relatives, saying that Russian security forces do not follow everyone. “Throw away the husk of the head,” he said.
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