In the “Naftogaz” explained some of the benefits to themselves as “emboss”, “Gazprom” during negotiations

In the “Naftogaz” explained some of the benefits to themselves as “emboss”, “Gazprom” during negotiations
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Kiev is not ready to consider the settlement agreement together with the terms of the future gas transit.
Yesterday’s gas talks between Ukraine, Russia and the European Commission in the “Naftogaz” is not considered productive.
“The project “Northern stream-2” is so politicized that to cover its construction of Russia needed a smokescreen. Such a curtain the Russians are trying to make a trilateral format. Yesterday’s meeting, due to the unconstructive position of the Russian side, it is impossible to consider successful negotiations. They say that we are civilized and agree to offer Ukraine the “settlement agreement”, so barriers to construction should not be. Not to mention the fact that the settlement agreement is just an attempt to revise disadvantageous for the Russian Federation the decision of Stockholm, the current policy of Moscow in the energy sector boils down to the mantra “let us finish the tube, but we’ll see,” – said in “Naftogaz”.
Neither Ukraine nor the EU do not like this approach.
“Gazpromovtsev doing and will do everything to drag out negotiations regarding the contract for transit. Such actions are aimed at only one thing – to create a temporary springboard for the launch of “Nord stream-2″ and wait for elections in Ukraine, which can change the political course of the country” – believe in “Naftogaz”.
See also:
Klimkin rejected the possibility of a settlement agreement with “Gazprom”
“And now, when “Gazprom” has lost, and wants to talk about the settlement agreement, it is just a waste of time. Our position: we can consider your suggestions about the world, but they should not interfere with the negotiations on a new contract and we’re definitely not ready to do it in a trilateral format, wasting time of our partners and giving the opportunity to say that we have agreed on something while they prepare the base for the “Nord stream-2”, – said the head of “Naftogaz” Andrey Kobelev.
According to him, the talks actually agreed with representatives of the European Commission’s approach that the new contract should be governed by European law.
“Without its use in the Ukrainian market gas contract with “Gazprom” simply does not make sense. It is important to bring European partners and the world that this process cannot be considered an indulgence for the construction of “Nord stream-2,” – said KOBOLEV.
Meanwhile , Naftogaz has started the arbitration process against Gazprom 11.6 billion dollars.
Videocracy can stay without drinking water because of gas prices
The utilities run out of chlorine which disinfect the water. For three weeks the only company that produces liquid chlorine “DneprAzot” stopped production of the substance due to excessively high gas prices. Today the workers came to the capital and demanded under the Cabinet to reduce the cost of gas for the plant and to resume production of important chemicals.
TSN. 19:30
July 11, 19:56
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