Test for nitrates and radionuclides: the reporters found, whether to buy watermelons in the capital

Test for nitrates and radionuclides: the reporters found, whether to buy watermelons in the capital
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Today, 02:41
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In the markets and in shops of Kiev is already full of striped berries.
Watermelons filled the roadsides, markets and supermarkets in Ukraine, but potential buyers are in doubt, is it safe to buy them. To find the answer, journalists, experts, says the story TSN.19:30.
Luxury market in the heart of Kiev watermelons on trays until more than customers. The sellers claim that all the goods from Kherson, it is ripe and safe. TSN takes a single instance and checks it in the lab. The result: 39,1 mg of nitrate per 1 kg, while the permissible level is 90. That is, the watermelon clean and safe for consumption.
Videots checked on the nitrate content of watermelon from the markets and supermarket
Because of the hot weather this year the melons are ripe a month earlier than usual, and has captivated roadsides, markets and supermarkets. Afraid whether nitrate – TSN conducted their own astrologicheskogo expertise in special laboratories.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:25
The verdict has provided a head of the radiological research Department of the State Institute for laboratory diagnostics Zoe Malimon and relatively watermelons purchased in the supermarket and street market. “Meet all the standards for nitrates and radionuclides, so these melons can be used in food without any reservations,” she stated.
See also:
On the shelves of Ukrainian appeared early watermelons. Eat or wait until August?
Wholesalers assure that the trade is brisk, and instead of documents, I suggest just to try it out. Ordinary Ukrainians who are afraid of watermelon in General, who takes a sample of only half, and who safely eats and calls berry delicious August and September. Experts about the taste of watermelon do not say anything, but remind you that all you need to have a measure, and to adhere to basic safety rules is to wash the berries before eating, or better yet, to neutralize the nitrates to soak watermelon for an hour in the water.
The TSN reporter Victoria Dmitrenko
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