The father of the driver of a Hummer that hit and killed a girl, told his version of events

The father of the driver of a Hummer that hit and killed a girl, told his version of events
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Today, 15:29
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According to Oleg Ostrovsky, his son tried to slow down when the baby popped up on the road.
The driver of the Hummer Kirill Ostrovsky tried to brake to avoid hitting a child, and was not going to run away from the accident scene. This TSN on the phone told the father of the detainee Oleg Ostrovsky.
The man is sure that his son didn’t run a red – admits that the accident occurred at the time of the change of light, and the child abruptly ran into the road.
“He rode in the second row, but near the pedestrian crossing stood a big car – a jeep of some kind or van – he doesn’t remember. And suddenly under the wheels jumped the girl, and her mom immediately. Of course, he tried to brake, but it did not work. He did not understand [why], but whether or not the brakes worked, or they worked skid, but I’m not sure this is my assumption. It was impossible to react quickly, when a bus or a car runs a small child under the wheels” – says Oleg Ostrovsky.
The father argues that Cyril was not under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. According to him, this is confirmed by examinations. In addition, according to Ostrovsky, Sr., his son wasn’t going to run away from the scene of the accident.
“Remove room impulse was self-preservation. And then he came back and tried to help, to help and to call an ambulance, and the girl to help. Just the car there was nowhere to put it, to Park it is a below put it,” said the father of the detainee.
The driver’s family intends to “seek the truth” and prove that Cyril was involved in a hit is not their fault.
Videotwo children and a woman were killed in two accidents in the Cherkassy and Kiev
In Cherkasy at the crossroads faced two cars, one of them threw a pedestrian – a young woman with a child just crossed the road. And in midnight in the heart of Kiev to pedestrians who are also crossing the road on a green light, drove a luxury SUV. In the eyes of the mother killed the child, who was less than ten years.
TSN. Wounds
Today, 08:12
As you know, July 24, at about 22:30 on the Boulevard Lesia Ukrainka 23-year-old driver of the Hummer was hit on the regulated passage of a 10-year-old girl. A car moving on a red signal of a traffic light. The girl died in the carriage, and the driver was arrested and taken to narcological clinic – examination should identify whether the driver’s blood alcohol or drugs. The SUV does not belong to the driver.
To the detainee it is declared suspicion on the article “violation of traffic rules, entailed death of the victim”. Also addressed the issue of additional qualifications – “abandonment in danger” because not reliably established whether the driver was leaving the scene of an accident.
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