Six dozen wild boars, illegal immigrants fled from Belarus to Lithuania

Six dozen wild boars, illegal immigrants fled from Belarus to Lithuania
Today, 05:23
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Later, the border service said that border between the countries at that time crossed 63 boar.
Several dozen wild boars crossed the border between Belarus and Lithuania and fled to the territory of the European Union. The video on its Facebook page has published the State border guard service of Lithuania.
Kasdieninėje tarnyboje #pasieniečiai turi būti atidūs. O ar jūs esate tokie? Pabandykite suskaičiuoti, Švenčionių rajone kriuksių kiek iš Baltarusijos įbėgo į Lietuvą. Pirmiesiems penkiems teisingai atsakiusiems padovanosime #VSAT tušinukus Laimėtojus paskelbsime pirmadienį!
Posted Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnyba the Fourth, 19 on July 2018 R.
“The guards must be very vigilant. Alert you? Try to count how many pigs crossed the border,” said border.
See also:
In Sweden found a boar with record levels of radiation, which is 25 times higher than normal
Later, the border service said that border between the countries at that time crossed 63 boar.
Photo gallery
In the center of Donetsk on the street ran the pig, escaped from the bar (6 photos)
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9 Jan, 23:44
Video settings the centre of the capital of Lithuania wild boar scared people
The animal was spotted in a residential area, but soon it ran away on main street. Citizens called the police, and together with volunteers tried to catch the boar. For fishers watched onlookers and townspeople, who brought the animal food. In the end, Cabana got a gun with sleeping pills. He is now under the supervision of veterinarians.
TSN. Wounds
4 may, 09:19
We will remind that earlier in the Polish Church during Sunday mass rushed the boar. Among the believers started to panic, but, fortunately, no one was hurt.
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