A star fell: a Network wins a flash mob with creative crashes to the ground

A star fell: a Network wins a flash mob with creative crashes to the ground
© instagram/ukazsval
Today, 16:39
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In the pastime attended not only by famous people and everyone who considers himself a star.
In the social network Instagram is gaining popularity photoplasma Falling Stars (Stars are falling). Under the terms of the flash mob, participants need to be photographed in the most spectacular, imagine, pose, if they stumbled and fell to the ground. In the message it is necessary to specify the hashtag #fallingstars2018, and to pass the baton on.
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The aim of the campaign is to laugh at ourselves and recognize that even the star of the individual is not protected from falls and not just in the literal sense. To join the flash mob not only famous people but also ordinary people, and the geography is very broad.
Among famous Ukrainians to the flash mob joined in leading Alexander Pedan.
Suite Fall Challenge #fallchallenge #fiocamchallenge #laugh #friends #dubrovnik # croatia #fakefall #fakefalls #fallingstars2018 #fakefalling #challenge #naevinu #paigeginn #life #sun #girl #girls @__remmidemmi
Fell out of your Charter bus Flashmob #prestamistas ⠀ ⠀ Friends, don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself, it doesn’t hurt #fallingstars2018
Took the baton from @sashanikitin71 #fallingstars2018 #summer #aerport ✊
#NaEvinu #Fallingstars2018
On a osé à Nikki Beach jpeux voir plus nous #fakefall #fakefalling #laugh #trioinfernal #paigeginn #intenables #friends #life #fionusetcamillus #joke #defi #challenge #girls #girl #copines #gagas #boucan #lifeisajoke #fallingstars2018 @__remmidemmi @paigeginn
#LegsDay #NaEvinu #Fallingstars2018
Arkadaşlarımla plan all patron yaptığım iş kitledi. #fallingstars2018 #NaEvinu challenge by @evinator
02/07/2018 j’ai osé le fakefall sur le trône ♀ lot #fakefall #fallchallenge #fiocamchallenge #fun #laugh #croatia #gameofthrones #GOT #kingslanding #daenerys #dubrovnik #life #friends #girls #naevinu #lifeisajoke #joke #enjoy #challenge #fallingstars2018 @paigeginn @__remmidemmi
I think I am in Croatia! • #fallingstars2018 #djantoine #tourlife #croatia #partyhardychallenge #NaEvinu
#fallingstars2018 took the baton from @sbabanin pass @paldi__leinik @rosmanthetoothfairy @kalgysha @katrinkan @pdobrygina @bon_twitt @pitr_m @maybe.maks @alexabush
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