Newborn baby scared mom her first tooth

Newborn baby scared mom her first tooth
© Metro
Today, 15:20
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Soon, the tooth can be lost due to improperly developed roots.
The child, who was 12 days after birth, increased tooth.
The mother was shocked by this and went to the dentist. The appearance of the tooth at such an early age is unusual, despite the fact that most children begin to cut teeth around six months. In some children it may be four months and others a year after birth, writes The Guardian.
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According to the girl’s mother, her child is not screaming from the eruption of the tooth.
In the dental center Seven Trees claim that the Isla-rose is their youngest patient. The British dental Association reported that about two thousand babies are born with teeth, called Natal. These teeth are often lost because the roots are incorrectly developed.
According to Professor Damien Walmsley, cause such early teething may be a problem with breastfeeding.
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