In Kiev introduced a new mandatory utility tariff. How much to pay

In Kiev introduced a new mandatory utility tariff. How much to pay
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Service for garbage collection will be paid from the rent.
In August, the people of Kiev will come the bills for utilities, where will be separately invoiced for the removal of solid waste. This service will provide out of the rents, which, accordingly, cheaper.
The emergence of separate services for garbage collection due to the fact that on 10 June full entered into force the law “On housing and communal services”. It does not provide that service on management of apartment houses is garbage. This writes UNIAN.
The cost of the new service will not depend on the area of housing and number of tenants actually residing in the apartment. About this informed the Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv city state administration Petr Panteleyev.
The fee will depend not only on the number of registered, but also of the average rate of accumulation of waste depending on the type of home and tariff of the company, which transports waste. For example, at hostels it will be of 1.39 cubic meters. m, in homes with a garbage disposal to 1.93 cubic meters in homes without a garbage disposal is a 2.15 cu. m. Therefore, the rate will be 20-25 UAH per person per month, that is a substantial increase compared to the previous tariff, which was based on the area of the apartment, will not.
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In KCSA told how many millions it will cost to close a toxic landfill in Podgortsy
Panteleev recognised that in the capital there is a problem with the registration of people who actually live. Therefore, he called on Kiev to voluntarily inform the authorities about the real number of residents, not to cause Perinatology of solid waste in garbage cans.
We will remind, in Kiev, planned for remediation of landfill No. 5 and the opening in the capital of a modern recycling plant that will meet European environmental standards.
Until October 2018 plan to completely close the landfill in Podgortsy.
According to the city authorities, 67% of municipal solid waste generated in the capital, saharinata on grounds No. 5, 6 and other, 23% disposed of on the plant Energy, another 10% is sorted and recycled.
Earlier the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko has promised that the processing plant debris will be in the capital in two years.
Videoreport, debris, and the lack of hot water – Vitali Klitschko commented on the urgent problems of Kyiv
In the “Sedanca z 1+1” the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko. Talking about the most actual problems: bad weather, debris and the lack of hot water.
Snidanok 1+1
1 Aug, 09:16
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