Rusty autoreplace will not go away from Kiev, despite the promises of officials

Rusty autoreplace will not go away from Kiev, despite the promises of officials
Today, 01:58
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Abandoned vehicles are parked in yards and lures kids dangerous adventures.
On the streets of Kyiv are from hundreds and thousands of abandoned cars. They threatened to remove and discard two months ago, but officials acknowledge that a lot of rusty stuff still in place, says the story TSN.19:30.
Chained to a tree car trailer and he already has taken root. 7-year-old Sasha says that the iron stand in one place all his life. Young motorists are willing to climb under the hood and in the cabin of these “rarities” with flat tires, some machines provide a bed for the homeless. “Bought junk, and then don’t want to take it or do – so she is” outraged by one of Kiev. “If the owners do not need it, why it’s here? This is not wih the work, went to the police – speak too, not ours. We do not have precinct – the circle is closed,” says another from Kiev.
Videots understand how and when from the streets of Kiev plan to remove thousands of abandoned cars
Stood and continue standing. On the streets of Kiev, according to estimates of officials, still thousands of abandoned cars. However, all of them had threatened to remove and discard two months ago. After a tragic accident when an abandoned car detonated a grenade and injured children.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:11
To inspect every yard has instructed the head of Kiev Vitali Klitschko after an explosion in an abandoned Volga in June of this year. Then from explosives injured four children, most went to 5-year-old Pavlik is a grenade stuck in my head and eyes. Only now he and Pauline, who were also wounded eyes, was discharged from the hospital. Parents on the phone said that in front of children is a long process of rehabilitation, there are serious problems with vision. The owner of the ill-fated “Volga” sitting in jail, he pleaded guilty. “I found a grenade, the house didn’t want to leave, so I left in the car because I thought that it won’t open,” – said Sergey Mychasuk.
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The courts in Kiev clutter at least 5 thousand abandoned cars
From the yard this car was removed, however, other potentially dangerous rattletrap and are. In General, the city avtohlama officials counted more than six hundred, according to other estimates of abandoned cars on the streets a few thousand. They clutter the driveways, standing in the heat and interfere with public utilities. The only thing they can do is to write prescriptions to the owners, so they removed the car.
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Sahra nazyvayutsa on Ukranian, pasului m raw korita instead of auto
To dispose of old cars in Ukraine was supposed to start five years ago, and lead the process entrusted to the Ministry of environment. Abandoned cars would have to take on shtrafploschadku and then send to scrap. To help the Ministry to clear the streets from the old car was taken in the Kiev administration, but so far all stopped at counting cars. Even after the incident when I almost killed four children, the cars still standing in the yards attract kids.
The correspondent TSN Alla Gazanevskaya
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