In the capital banned the movement of trucks during day time

In the capital banned the movement of trucks during day time
Today, 01:59
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The city still drive the truck, and the cops explained why.
Because of the heat in Kiev to restrict the movement of heavy transport. The police have to stop the trucks at the entrances to the capital, if the air temperature exceeds 28 degrees, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Restrictions apply from 10:00am to 22:00pm. Drivers are indignant because of the unscheduled stop wasting time and money, and places for Parking the wagons are not built. Trucks are forced to “roast” under the sun.
Many drivers rule the city authorities openly ignore and ride through the city despite the ban. The police justified that all can’t. “Empty noise of the truck, allows weight. And skip the perishables – milk, meat. And fuels,” explained a police spokesman Dmitry Shapoval.
Videos for heat in Kyiv have limited movement krupneishego transport
The police will stop trucks at the entrances to the capital, if the air temperature exceeds 28 degrees. Restrictions apply from 10 am to 10 PM. Drivers are outraged that due to unplanned stops wasting time and money, and places for Parking the wagons are not built, therefore, forced to roast in the open sun.
TSN. 19:30
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