In the center of Kiev again stuck in traffic due to the General rehearsal of the military parade

In the center of Kiev again stuck in traffic due to the General rehearsal of the military parade
Today, 09:36
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Rehearsal will be tonight.
In the capital preparations for the parade on Independence Day.
This is stated in the story, progarme TSN.Ranok.
Tonight on the Khreshchatyk will be a dress rehearsal of the personnel – in full uniform. Center, part of Peremohy Avenue and part of the Hem will overlap. Consider this if you travel to Kiev by car or public transport. Indeed, during the last training of the military – Monday – the city stopped in traffic. The police began to block the entrances to downtown in half the fourth day. Drivers idle on the roads for several hours.
Actually the parade will be held this Friday, August 24, the Independence Day of Ukraine.
Video settings Kiev again blocked several streets because of the parade rehearsal
Kyiv prepares for Independence Day. Tonight on the Khreshchatyk will be a dress rehearsal of the personnel, in dress uniforms. Center, part of Peremohy Avenue and part of the Hem will overlap.
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Today, 09:35
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