The calm before the queues. Ukrainians are in no hurry to renew the subsidies

The calm before the queues. Ukrainians are in no hurry to renew the subsidies
Today, 09:21
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To receive benefits must submit a statement and a Declaration of income.
Ukrainians are in no hurry to renew the subsidies. Half of subsidianes postponed it until the beginning of the heating season. But the government was advised not to wait for the fall of queues and apply now.
The Department of social protection has to consider them and assign the subsidy. The size for the heating season calculate automatically, without re-treatment in October this year. This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”.
In order to receive a grant, you must file the statement and the income statement, which specify the types of income that a person receives and his family members and not their sizes, and specify the organization that pays the money.
Recall that a register of all recipients of grants made available online.
VideoCAM to arrange a subsidy for rental housing – lawyer’s advice
For subsidies, the necessary lease of the apartment, besides not necessarily a notary.
Snidanok 1+1
August 22, 09:59
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