From football subway in Kiev will work longer

From football subway in Kiev will work longer
Today, 10:18
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The match will take place at the NSC “Olympic”.
The Moscow metro today, August 28, will run an hour longer – after the football.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.Ranok.
At the NSC “Olympic” will be the match between Dynamo Kyiv and Ajax of Amsterdam. Because of the game metro switches to special regime of work: from 21:00 to 22:00 did not work the metro station “Olympic”, entrance close to “Leo Tolstoy Square”, and on the way out – “sports Palace”. After football on the station entrance will also be somewhat limited.
Videostiny metro will operate an hour longer because of the match “Dynamo” – “the Ajax”
Today, capital metro will operate an hour longer. The Olympic stadium will host the match between Dynamo Kyiv and Ajax of Amsterdam. Through the game metro switches to special regime of work: from 9 to 10 PM would not work at the metro station “Olympic”, entrance close to “Leo Tolstoy Square”, and to output the “sports Palace”. After football on the station entrance will also be somewhat limited.
TSN. Wounds
Today, 09:00
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