Ukrzaliznytsia reduces the cost of tickets in passenger trains

Ukrzaliznytsia reduces the cost of tickets in passenger trains
Today, 15:37
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In Ukraine there are 13 various calendar periods that affect the cost of travel.
From September 1 to reduce the cost of travel in passenger trains of distant following plying on the territory of Ukraine.
About it reported in a press-service of “Ukrzaliznytsya”.
“The first day of autumn, comes into force the coefficient of 1.02 indexation of tariffs for transportation of passengers in domestic traffic by calendar periods. For example, the fare on August 31 on route Kiev – Lviv in the car compartment of train No. 141 is 347,92 UAH, and on the following Friday the same ticket will cost UAH 333,92, in the car compartment of train No. 29 Kiev – Uzhgorod 728,19 UAH worth, and will cost – 696,39 UAH”, – stated in the message.
See also:
The secrets of “uz”: which days the cheapest tickets for the trains
As noted by the railway, would operate this ratio to the end of the month, and then imposed an even lower ratio – 0,93, now acted the factor 1.07.
Recall, “Ukrzaliznytsya” from may 30 to raise tariffs for passenger transportation by 12%. The following increases for 12%, scheduled from 1 October. In General, the level of indexation of tariffs for transportation of passengers in December 2018 relative to December of the previous year will be 25%.
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